Chapter 14 - The Smiling Titan (End of Season 2)

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The darkness. The numbness. The tingling. The feeling of losing control. No, no, no, no. Leah knew what was coming, and she wasn't going to let it happen. Not this time. She had to fix herself to reality. Leah forced her eyes open to stare intently at the shimmering sky above her. She noted the way the stark blue slowly faded into a muted purple, which lightened to a soft, pale pink. Then there was the distinct rumbling beneath her, that sent tremors through her static body with every step of the stocky Armoured titan. The vague smell of the air as it cooled in the approaching darkness. A distant shout from Commander Erwin. I said advance, goddammit!

The tingling became fainter, but was ever present. Leah thought hard about what she was doing here. What had brought her back to the Scouts, to lying in the dirt as pain slowly gnawed at her body? Had it been boredom? Her lust for a challenge, adrenaline and danger? Or was it revenge, something that had been lingering at the back of her mind since that day the colossal titan first broke through the walls and took everything from her?

Leah pounded a frustrated fist into the soft, grainy soil. And then a drawling voice echoed in the back of her mind. Don't even think about dying out there. The male voice said boredly. Leah's brow furrowed in determination. Why did her thoughts always come back to Levi? Whether it meant something or not, it was the final spark she needed to jolt her body back to life. Leah slowly pushed herself into a sitting position, her arms trembling and quaking beneath her but too stubborn to give out. 

A horse skidded to a stop beside her. "Sleeping on the job, are we, Anderson?" Hannes bounded down off his horse to kneel next to Leah. He met her gaze. When she didn't reply his smile faltered. "Hey, what's wrong. C'mon, up you get." Hannes wrapped an arm around her torso and hauled her to stand next to him. Leah teetered unsteadily but the feeling in her legs slowly began to return. Hannes gripped her arm tightly.

"Leah, talk to me. What's happening? Are you going to pass out again?" The blonde tugged her behind him. "We need to go, the titans are coming." Leah's gaze travelled her surroundings. Ahead of her, titans wrestled the Armoured beast. To her left, an MP soldier screamed as a titan snatched him off his horse. Behind her, Erwin hung by his arm from a titan's mouth, his body flailing in the air. Finally Leah returned to reality. She wrenched her arm free of Hannes' grip and stumbled forward into a run. An insane grin broke out on her face and she threw herself into the air with her ODM Gear. She'd regained control. She could fight these paralysing flashbacks now. She was no longer a slave to her mind.

"Hannes, let's show these kids how it's done." She hollered at the male as she flipped in the air, a new lease of life in her. All the pain had drained from her body, and a state of ecstasy took over. Her ribs no longer hurt. Her back felt fine. The headache? Gone.

Hannes let out a confused, but relieved chuckle as he moved after her. That was the Leah he knew. Now it was Leah's chance to live up to her reputation. Nothing was holding her back. She couldn't safely reach the Eren and the Armoured titan, not while they were covered in pure titans. So Leah focused on eliminating the surrounding titans taking down her comrades. She zipped this way and that, picking off titans like it was no harder than making a sandwich. Corpse after corpse crashed to the ground, sending steam and dust swirling into the air. 

That subconscious thirst for revenge grew louder and louder with each kill. Every life that Leah saved with her unparalleled accuracy was one step towards avenging Isaac and her Mother. Leah didn't let herself worry about their Commander, despite the seemingly dire situation she saw him in just minutes before. She knew he wouldn't die, a boring death like that wouldn't work for Erwin. So she focused all her energy on saving her soldiers, slowly moving towards her main target: Eren and the Armoured titan.

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