Author Note

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Hello party people!

Okay, maybe that's a bit insensitive of me. Let me try again...


To quote my favourite blue-eyed king: you cryin?

If so, I sincerely apologise. And if not... props to you.

It's 10pm on the 22nd of February, 2024 as I write this, and that's the final chapter of 'Recall' complete.

When I started this fanfiction almost a year ago, I never would've imagined I'd complete it. Bringing Leah to life in a story I adored felt amazing, but I always assumed life would get in the way and my book would fall to the wayside. But here I am, proof reading the final chapter in preparation to post it.

I just want to thank those of you who have stuck around through my lousy updating "schedule" and voted all the way from chapter 1 to chapter 36. I appreciate every single one of you.

At this moment in time I have no intentions of starting another book, but I do have a couple of ideas on how to stretch out Levi and Leah's story slightly. Keep an eye out if you're interested.

Anyway, before I get too emotional I'd like to thank you all one last time. It's been quite a rollercoaster and I appreciate every read, every comment, vote, interaction, you're all amazing and one of the reasons I found the motivation to conclude this story.

I'm sure I'll be back soon with some crazy plot my wild imagination came up with, but for now...

See you later (itterasshai),

- author <3


Summary / Fun Facts

Started: 23-04-2023
Finished: 22-02-2024

Total word count: ~138,000

Inspired by Topgun: Maverick - if you noticed this, I'd be very surprised. In 2023 I was in a major Topgun: Maverick phase and the idea of a renowned soldier being called back to duty by an old friend inspired me to create the character of Leah Anderson!

Ideas - most of them were brainstormed on my phone notes, some of which didn't make it into the final storyline (if you'd be interested in seeing these notes... I'll consider sharing them)

Fanart - Now, all art of red-headed females I use as chapter headers are all from Pinterest and made by talented artists who happened to create an OC similar to my own. By no means am I claiming these fantastic art pieces as my own, and all credit goes to the respective artists! :)

As for the new cover art - it was drawn by my good friend 1Mehhh3, they managed to perfectly capture how I envisioned Leah I MEAN THE WAY I FANGIRLED SO HARD WHEN I SAW IT--
P.s I am not an artist myself... no matter how much I try to be

Character inspiration - there's nobody in particular that inspired the character of Leah Anderson. The name was always one I'd liked and I thought the fact that Leah and Levi had the same initials was quite cute. As for her appearance, I suppose she's loosely inspired by Amy Pond from Doctor Who (as she has always been a favourite of mine), and while I am in no way opposed to romances with a height difference, I found that being short fit Leah's fiery character a lot better!

Smut - now, when I started this book I wasn't sure if I'd reach the stage of writing smut. I had no scenes planned, but if it was fitting for the story I would've given my best attempt and added it in- however it never seemed right and I'm sure some of you will be disappointed by that, sorry...

Soundtrack - I'm a writer who enjoys music on in the background, which means over the course of this journey I've accumulated songs I've come to associated with scenes or characters - or just songs I frequented while writing. I don't have them in a specific playlist but here are some honourable mentions;

- I Will Always Return by Bryan Adams (very fitting of Levi and Leah's romance / relationshop Imo)

- Captain Save A Hoe by E-40 (completely irrelevant to the storyline, but I can't help but think of Levi who I hear this lol)

- Careless Whisper by George Michael (HeY tHeRe aRmeEeEn... need I say more?)

Timeline / Background - while I'm not VAGUE about the timeline, I did overlook a key detail: Leah and Levi were in the Scouts together before Leah transferred originally. To start, an important piece of information is that in this fanfic Leah, Levi and Erwin are all taken as the same age (since Leah and Erwin trained together) which is early 30s.
Levi joins the Scouts in 844, with Leah transferring to the Garrison in 850 (after the fall of Wall Maria) but with Leah in Captaincy and Levi a new recruit, their paths never crossed. It's likely Erwin told her about him, but Levi was never her responsibility and so never stood out - it's also likely his background was kept confidential from most of the regiment, hence why Leah doesn't know anything about him when they met.
Another detail I realise some may question is the fact that Leah doesn't know anyone when she returns to the Scouts 5 years later (850). Now this isn't completely the case, there is likely some soldiers she remembered - but the vast majority would've died on expeditions outside the walls.

Hopefully this clears up any ambiguity :)


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