Chapter 20 - Victory

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"Anderson, wait. You're with Levi."

Leah's head swivelled round to glance at Erwin over her shoulder. He stood with two caped Scouts, who she could just about make out was Armin and Levi.

Giving Hange a briefly quizzical look, to which they shrugged, Leah made her way back over to her Commander. "Most of those new recruits have never even seen a titan. It's down to you both to make sure they get the horses to safety and those small titans get dealt with." Erwin explained before she could argue.

"Sir." Leah nodded before stepping off the edge of the wall and deploying her ODM Gear. Leah thought it was definitely strange that Erwin would require both Leah and Levi on such a simple task, but now was not the time to argue. Afterall, when had Erwin's judgement ever been askew?

The abundance of abandoned and decaying houses at the foot of the wall worked greatly in their favour, being the perfect height for evading the three meter titans and providing the perfect environment for ODM use.

It wasn't long into the clean-up of the small titans when Leah realised why she was here. These cadets were, quite frankly, useless. Some flew around aimlessly, wasting gas just to look like they were helping; others ran around on foot like headless chickens; most cowered next to their horses, awaiting further instructions from anyone who'd given them.

Leah paused on a roof top to catch her breath, resting her hands on her knees and folding over slightly. She'd not stopped since she'd left the wall, having now taken down roughly two dozen titans of the seemingly endless stream. Steaming blood evaporated off her garments as she huffed air into her lungs. The female straightened up moments later, taking note on her surroundings. A small group of Scouts floundered down the street, dragging their horses behind them, a titan in steady pursuit.

Her eyes trailed steadily up to the beast titan ahead of them, sat there like a statue, watching, waiting. He was almost definitely sentient; a titan shifter like Eren, meaning hidden in the titan's nape was a human, consciously taking the lives of other humans. Leah squinted her gaze and let out a grunt before returning to her duties.

The next time she stopped was when the small titans no longer littered the streets of the outer Shiganshina town. The remainder of the attacking minions were ahead at the edge of the town and being delt with by the few competent squad's assigned by Erwin.

A bright light cast Leah's shadow onto the clay roof at her feet. A delayed boom sent deafening vibrations through the air.

As Leah turned to face the wall a shockwave of air hit her. She lifted an arm to shield her face as the warm wind whirled her hair around head, whipping painfully at her exposed skin.

Shit. That's not a thunderspear explosion.

Leah hesitated, considering scaling the wall to check her squad and Hange's were okay. Over the wall, smoke and steam rose into the air in suffocating clumps, suggesting that whatever it was, was large and hot. Leah had one thing in mind.

A rock clipped one of the roof tiles at Leah's feet, causing it to scatter into a dozen shards. Another shattered a window nearby. A third collided with Leah's shoulder. Her hand shot up to massage her newly forming bruise as she realised what was happening.

Rubble and boulders were flying through the air like bullets, fired at them by the unnerving titan ahead of them. Leah counted herself lucky the stone that hit her had lost most of its momentum. "Shit!" She jumped from the rooftop and crouched behind the building, bringing her arms up to cover her head. When the bombardment stopped Leah immediately sprinted to the foot of the wall, where Levi was already rounding up a squad of new recruits. Erwin landed beside her just as a second round of boulders rained down om them.

Recall - Levi Ackerman x Fem OC (An Attack On Titan /// Shingeki No Kyojin ff)Where stories live. Discover now