Part 20

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Leafy: This is where we left our stuff...
*sees Gelatin sitting under a tree*

Gelatin: Mmh. Taco? What now?

Leafy: It's me, Leafy.

Gelatin: Leafy?!
*hugs Leafy* You're back!
And Firey isn't here! Have my dreams come true?

Leafy:, I still love him.

Gelatin: Oh. Then why are you here?

Leafy: I couldn't just leave you guys alone. So, I came back. Firey didn't want to come.

???: I wouldn't be so sure.

Leafy: !?

Leafy: Firey!

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Leafy: Firey!

Gelatin: Firey?

Leafy: What are you doing here?

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Leafy: What are you doing here?

Firey: You didn't think I'd let you go off alone, did you?

Gelatin: I sure did.

Firey: Gelatin.

Gelatin: Firey.

Firey: Might you have an idea where our stuff is?

Gelatin: Taco had me hand it over to Four. Though I kept Leafy's stuff. *hands Leafy her wings and halo*

Firey: Of course you did.

Leafy: I'm gonna go get your stuff, Firey. You two be nice.

Firey: Be careful!

Leafy: *flys off*

Gelatin: So...what have you been up to?

Firey: Well, we just got our own house, and I'm planning on-

Gelatin: Nevermind. I don't wanna know.

Firey: Are you still obsessed with her?

Gelatin: Can you blame me? I're obsessed with her too.

Firey: No I'm not. I just love her. You don't even know the difference between being in love and being obsessed?

Gelatin: Maybe I just have a bad example.

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