Part 8

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Lollipop: That flame is getting on my nerves!

Balloony: Maybe we should just leave them alone.

Lollipop: Ha ha ha!
Balloony, go take the others to the TPOT grounds and cause some trouble. I'm getting Firey myself. *takes off her crown*.

Balloony: Okay, uhm...why am I taking them to TPOT?

Lollipop: Do as I say.

Balloony: Yes ma'am!

Lollipop: *flys off*

Leafy: *sitting peacefully*

Gelatin: Hey, Leafy?

Leafy: Yeah, Gelatin?

Gelatin: I have an...important topic to talk to you about.

Leafy: What's that?

Gelatin: I-

Lollipop: Hello there, Leafy.

Leafy: ACK! L-Lollipop?!

Gelatin: What do you want?

Lollipop: I think you already know.

Leafy: Y-You're not taking him.

Lollipop: Not today, but I know how I can. *grabs Leafy*

Gelatin: Hey! Let her go!

Lollipop: You know I won't.

Gelatin: Not if I can help it!

Lollipop: Try it, old alliance member.

Gelatin: *tackles Lollipop*

Lollipop: *stabs Gelatin with her wing and rips out a piece of him*

Gelatin: Gah!

Lollipop: *flys away with Leafy*

Gelatin: Leafy! Mmmmmh. *runs off to find Firey*.

Firey: 🙂

Gelatin: Firey!

Firey: Gelatin? *sees Gelatin's wound* Gelatin, what happened?

Gelatin: Lollipop took Leafy.

Firey: WHAT?

Gelatin: Firey, Lollipop wants you to come, it's a trap!

Firey: That's not gonna stop me.

Gelatin: Just be careful. I want Leafy back here as much as you do.

Firey: I'm sure if I should take that as a threat or not.

Gelatin: Just go.

Firey: *flys off*

Ruby: Woah, what happened to you, Gelatin?

Gelatin: Lollipop.

Ruby: Lollipop? Have you told Leafy?

Gelatin: ...

Ruby: ...

Leafy: Oh Firey, please be smart. Don't come.

Lollipop: Oh look, he disobeyed you again.

Leafy: I'm not surprised.

Firey: What have you done with her?

Lollipop: She's fine. Right here even.

Firey: Leafy...
Untie her, now!

Lollipop: Under one condition.
You have to become a devil again.

Firey: ...
Can I at least talk to Leafy one last time?

Leafy: Firey, no!!

Lollipop: Yeah sure, but no funny business.

Leafy: Firey you can't! Just take my crown to Bubble, don't do this!

Firey: Do you trust me?

Leafy: uhh...yes?

Firey: I'm sorry *places hand on Leafy*.

Leafy: *bursts into flames*

Firey: *grabs her crown*

Lollipop: What the hell?

Firey: *flys away*

Lollipop: CURSES!!

Leafy: 😨

Gelatin: Leafy! *hugs Leafy*
Are you alright? Where's Firey?
Doesn't matter, we have to talk.

Leafy: Go on. Oh also, what's that? *points to a bandage on Gelatin's head*

Gelatin: Oh, Bubble gave it to me.

Firey: Leafy! I'm back!
I'm so sorry I killed you.

Gelatin: Wait, what?

Leafy: It's okay, Firey. It was a...very creative way of saving me.

Firey: I got your crown. *puts it on Leafy's head*

Gelatin: Let's go. *grabs Leafy's arm and drags her away*

Leafy: What is it, Gelatin?

Gelatin: I know you like Firey.

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