Part 27

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Firey: I can't believe she's dead. And I just let it happen.

Gelatin: Now it's just us.


Gelatin: I'm not too happy either, pal

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Gelatin: I'm not too happy either, pal.

Firey: What are we going to do? Can we even do stuff without a leader?

Gelatin: I don't know. I didn't pick up her crown.

X: Yeah, STUPID!

Firey: X?

Gelatin: Why are you-

X: Why do you think? Four doesn't want that double leader thing to happen again! So I had to get your stupid crown! *throws it on the ground*

The crown bounces into Firey's hands.

Firey: *staring at the crown*

Gelatin: What? Where?

Firey: It's like...the crown is...speaking to me.

X: It must want you to wear it.
Or... she.

Firey: She?

X: The past leaders are in that crown. Four couldn't just have them die, so...

Gelatin: What are you saying?

X: You don't really go anywhere when you die so Four made it so all the past leaders would go in the crown.

Firey: Is that why she wants me to wear it?

X: Yup. Now I gotta head back. *flys away*

Gelatin: Of course she wants you to wear it.

Firey: *puts the crown on*

The gem in the center of the crown changes from tan to a fiery orange.

Gelatin: Well? How is it?

Firey: It's very...familiar.

Gelatin: ...And, what about Leafy?

Firey: I'm not sure.

Balloony: Good job killing Taco.

Flower: I didn't do it for you.
In fact, I'm quite sick of you. The only good leading you ever did was left over from Lollipop!

Balloony: Don't speak to me that way!

Flower: I won't be speaking to you at all! *takes off her horns* I'm DONE! *throws them on the ground*

Balloony: You don't mean that!

Flower: *flys away*

Balloony: Grrrr.


Balloony: There's no way she can do that. I should go to Four. He'll tell me if she's allowed to switch at the very least. *flys away*

Gelatin: Alright, Master Firey. What should we do?

Firey: Do?
Don't you hear how quiet it is? Why should we do anything?

Gelatin: Don't wanna see Leafy?

Firey: *lies down in the grass* I'm in need of a break.

Gelatin: Did that crown do something to your head?

Firey: Who cares? I've never been more relaxed.

Gelatin: Well...if it's what Leafy wants. *lies down*

Four: X, go get the door.

X: Sure thing, "your majesty".

Balloony: *walks up to Four*

Four: Oh, you. What is it?

Balloony: Four, Flower has gone rouge.

Four: I'm aware. Get on with it.

Balloony: she allowed to do that?

Four: I don't really care.

Balloony: Wha- that's it? You don't care?!

Four: Yeah! I don't! Deal with it!

Balloony: GRRRRRR

X: You know your way to the door?

Balloony: GRAH! *storms out*
I'll just kill her then!

Flower: (chilling in a forest somewhere) Ah. Good life. Maybe I should move in with the angels. They have good lives.
My wings might set them off though...
How would I seem less threatening?

Balloony: There you are! Rejoin me this insant!

Flower: What? No!

Balloony: Then perish!

Flower: Oh no! No time to find out if they'll like me! *runs away*

Balloony: Traitor!

Gelatin: Heh. This is nice.

Firey: I told you.
Ya know, we should stop fighting over Leafy and be friends.

Gelatin: That is what Leafy would have- wait...


Firey: What the devil?

Flower: Not anymore! HELP!!


Firey: Flower, why did you bring him here?

Flower: I'm new at this!

Gelatin: No time like the present to end him.

Firey: You can say that again.

Balloony: Hand over Flower and I won't give you any trouble.

Gelatin: Then I guess we'll give you trouble!

Balloony: What?

Flower: That's right! Get him!

Balloony: When did ya'll start liking Flower- *gets tackled*

Flower: Yeah!

Balloony: I really dislike you guts.

Gelatin: Good!

Firey: Uhhm...

Balloony: You know what? I didn't want to kill Flower anyways. I'll see you chums later. *flys away*

Firey: Good riddance.

Gelatin: That's right! Run away!

Flower: That's weird.

Firey: What is?

Flower: Balloony doesn't like to retreat. Somethings off...

Gelatin: Oh, I know! A bit ago Firey was talking about wanting to be friends with me.

Firey: I was what?

Gelatin: Yeah! You were sounding like Leafy!

Firey: Must've been the crown. Leafy must know I'm all worked up.

Flower: If it's been happing to you it's probably happening to Balloony.

Firey: Yeah. It must've.

Gelatin: Interesting.

Flower: So, who's all in that thing?

Firey" Bubble, Taco, and Leafy most likely.

Flower: So Lollipop would be in Balloony's crown.

Gelatin: *laying down* Likely so.

Firey: Care to join us for some lying down in the grass, Flower?

Flower: Don't mind if I do!

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