Part 22

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Firey: *bursts into Bubbles hiding spot* WHATS THE MATTER?! *picks up Leafy* ARE YOU HURT?!

Leafy: No! Put me down!

Firey: *puts Leafy down* Sorry. I assumed you were in danger because Gelatin of all people was sent by you.

Leafy: Good point.

Firey: So, what's up?

Leafy: What? Nothing.

Firey: Then why did you want me here?

Leafy: Do I need a reason to want to see you?

Firey: I mean, no, but...

Bubble: Am I that forgettable?

Leafy: Oh! Right, I'm so sorry!
You wouldn't believe how easy getting distracted is.

Bubble: Bet.

Balloony: So, what's our next move?

Lollipop: We're trying to even it out, right? They're down a member, a rather useless member.
Spongy was rather useless for us...and Blocky was rather useful.
I got it! We should take out one who's pretty useful for them. To give them a lower advantage.

Balloony: Good idea!
But who?

Flower: Bubbles out of the question.

Loser: Yeah. If we kill her, Ruby will go crazy. But, if we kill Ruby...

Lollipop: That just might work.
Good thinking, Loser.

Loser: Great! I'll go see how things are.

Lollipop: Go right ahead.

Loser: *flys off*

Firey: ...

Loser: (in the air) Hmm...where's Ruby? She's not one to hide...especially since I can't see Leafy. Hmm, I better fly down and see.

Firey: Uh...hey. Long time no see.

Loser: Wha- oh. Hey, Firey.

Firey: What cha'...what cha' doing over here?

Loser: Just following orders. How 'bout you?

Firey: Well, I live here...

Loser: How's Leafy?

Firey: Good, despite just having lost a friend and being in constant danger. Which, is your guy's fault!

Loser: Well, sorry but-

Firey: "Sorry" won't cut it! I won't rest until Leafy is safe! Which means taking you out!

Loser: Hey! I'm just here to do a patrol!

Firey: You're still a devil. Still a threat. I still hate you.

Loser: It's just part of the ga- *gets tackled* -aaAAAAAAAAMME!

Firey: *throws Loser to the ground*

Loser: *catches himself* Woah. I almost hit the ground. You're pretty strong :)

Firey: Just get out of here!

Loser: Tell me where Ruby is-and will be-and I'll leave.

Firey: Not on your life!

Ruby: What the...
Is that Firey and Loser? That looks intense. Man, Firey is a good fighter. Oh, Loser saw me.
Is he...coming down here?

Loser: Quick! Where will you be in 10-20 minutes?

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