Part 4

711 9 75

*Everyone is praising Leafy*.

Gelatin: You really deserve it, Leafy!

Ruby: Bubble is so smart!

Woody: Yay! Queen Leafy!

Spongy: It's really awesome that Bubble thought of this!

Leafy: You guys are too nice!

Gelatin: No, you really deserve it!

Ruby: Just a thought, but what if you could switch Firey over to an angel?

Leafy: ...because I'm the leader... maybe I can!

Bubble: It's worth a shot.

Leafy: (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
But I can't leave now! I've got to try leading first!

Gelatin: *phew*

Woody: Try? You've already tried, and succeeded!

Ruby: You were a great team leader, Leafy! You don't have to try!

Leafy: That's true...

Gelatin: (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)

*Gelatin sees Blocky in a tree*

Blocky: *trying to crush Leafy*

Gelatin: LEAFY! WATCH OUT! *shoves Leafy out of the way*

Blocky: *fails to crush Leafy* Dang it!

Gelatin: Are you okay, Leafy?

Leafy: I'm fine Gelatin, thanks to you.

Firey: I told not to try anything!

Blocky: What are you gonna do about it?

Firey: *puts hand on Blocky*

Blocky: *bursts into flames*

Firey: ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

Leafy: *picking up her crown*

Firey: Leafy, are you okay?
I'm so sorry about Blocky!

Leafy: I'm fine.

Firey: Thank goodness.

Leafy: Firey can I-

Firey: I shouldn't be here! *starts flying away*

Leafy: Firey, wait!

Firey: *flys away*

Leafy: Firey! *drops crown and chases after him*

Bubble: *picks up Leafy's crown* Isn't that sweet?

Gelatin: Sure ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ

Firey: *back at the devils territory*

Lollipop: What have you been doing? Blocky told me you set him ablaze!

Firey: I shouldn't be here. I belong with the angels.

Lollipop: *holds Firey in the air* WHY WOULD YOU EVER SET YOUR OWN TEAMMATE ON FIRE?

Firey: ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ

Lollipop: Ow! *drops Firey*

Firey: I did it because he tried to kill Leafy.

Lollipop: The new leader? What's wrong with that?

Firey: Everything!
Just leave me alone.

Lollipop: Jeez. *walks away*

Leafy: Hey, Firey.

Firey: Leafy?! It's not safe for you here!

Leafy: Firey, can we talk?

Firey: Somewhere safer, yeah. *grabs Leafy's hand and starts walking away*

Firey: We should be safe here.

Leafy: So, can I talk to you know?

Firey: Go ahead.

Leafy: Uh... I think we're both unhappy with your placement.

Firey: You can say that again.

Leafy: So, I was wondering if you'd like to become an angel.

Firey: You could really do that?

Leafy: I hope so.

Blocky: *gonna go disturb Firey and Leafy*

Loser: Blocky, no!

Firey: !?
We should go, now!

Leafy: Firey-

Firey: *grabs Leafy's hand and flys away*

Blocky: Hey!

Loser: Ha.

Leafy: What happened, Firey?

Firey: I don't know, but we had to leave.

Gelatin: I see her!

Bubble: Welcome back, Leafy! *hands Leafy her crown*

Leafy: Thanks, but we can't stay for long.

Gelatin: why is HE here?

Firey: Leafy's gonna try and change me to an angel.

Gelatin: >:(

Ruby: Go on! Go and we'll see you both as the angels you are!

Leafy: Thanks. Bye.

Gelatin: *grumbles*

Teardrop: ?

Four: I really like this new way of doing a game show.

X: Same here, Four!

Four: You get cool wings too!

X: Super cool!

(Four is a devil and X is an angel)

Firey and Leafy bust through the door.

Four: Ooh, visitors!

X: Welcome, Firey and Leafy!

Leafy: Hello! We'd like to-

Four: We know. Come here, Firey.

Four takes off Firey's devil features and puts on angel ones.

Firey: Oh.

Leafy: o////o

Firey: Are you...okay?

Leafy: I'm fine! Thank you, Four!

X: One more thing guys.
You gotta bring an angel to take Firey's place.

Firey: Oh.

Leafy: Let's go, Firey.

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