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Two days later,

It was past midnight, nearly 1 a.m when the door of Park family's house made a light crack sound, followed by the same sound seconds later, implying that whoever entered, closed the door swiftly. Mrs. Park's eyes fluttered open as a light sleeper she was but she chose not to make a sound as she waited for any further noise. What she didn't realize that their house door was opened by someone who was now already coming to upstairs near the Park couple's room. Gradually she felt the footsteps coming towards their room and she knew her son wasn't at home. Then who else----

The sudden thought of Jimin's surprise entry at past night flickered in her mind, but that was least likely to happen. She quickly yeeted herself off the bed, taking a thick bounded book from the study table beside the bed and walked to the door. But the door was swiftly opened from the opposite side, as the intruder had smoothly cracked the lock with a soft sound and for a second Mrs. Park's eyes filled with pure horror as she found himself seeing Kim Taehyung from two inches.

Two inches and two seconds--- that was all to take her emit a horrified scream but too bad--- her scream was muffled by the thick cloth that was pressed against her mouth and the next second, her throat was tightened by the strong arm that put her in a headlock. And one stab at her abdomen as she fell onto the floor unconscious as the grip of the strong arm loosened around her throat.

In the meantime Mr. Park had woken up from his deep slumber but it was too late for him to proceed all the happenings in front of him. What he saw after opening eyes was the laying body of his wife on the cold marble floor. He hurriedly moved to the man, curling his fingers stoutly into a fist, ready to throw a punch, staggered back,  bending and panting as he delivered a strong punch before him. Before Mr. Park could lift his bending upper body, a strong kick was struck at his chin as his head fell on the bed. Then another strong kick landed on his abdomen, paralysing him to his place. Mr. Park was a fat man so he didn't have one ounce of energy left in him to even move an milli inch after just getting one punch and two kicks. He could just curse Taehyung in his mind, too scared to slip those words out of his mouth to get further beatings.

By that time, Taehyung had collected some cash and a card from the pocket of Mr. Park's hanging coat and jeans. His eyes then retrieved to Mr. Park as he saw him calling someone on phone. But he knew the plan so he just silently walked out of the room, so of the house, just as he came in earlier, with cat paws.

Mr. Park had called Jimin who fell asleep in Taehyung's house while waiting for him. He had told him that he was going to buy some medicines for Hoseok's aunt who lived a bit far. Hoseok couldn't reach his aunt as the streets he took was under construction so he called Taehyung to help him. Therefore, despite of the late time of night, Jimin had to allow him to help his bestfriend, telling him to be careful and he had gone since past hour, Jimin had called him once before he fell asleep on the couch.

After two or three ringing of his phone, Jimin finally picked up the phone, soon the sleepiness in his eyes was replaced with worry as he saw the caller Id, thinking what could've possibly happened to his parents at the late night.

"Appa?" His voice alerted.

"Son. . ." The strain in his father's weak voice made his heart race rapidly.

"Appa, what happened?" He asked, almost shouting desperately.

"Taehyung. . ."

'Taehyung?' He frowned at the sudden mention of his boyfriend.

"Came here. Stabbed your mom and beat me and stole some money."

'what. . .'

'What. . .?'

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