♤ TEN ♤

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Murky clouds rumbled in the sky, causing the feeble leaves to quiver in fright. The chilly wind surged through the city by making a swoosh sound. Being unable to stay attached to its stem, the dry leaves swirled along with the rough wind. In the dreadful atmosphere he stood alone in the middle of a lane without a clue of where Taehyung could be at that time.

Jimin had no fucking idea!

He looked up at the bleak sky which instantly roared at him in fury, causing him to flinch as he immediately looked down in fear.

'God. . .even the nature is mad at me.'

And he was worried about Taehyung. A sudden melancholic feeling took over his heart, making him feel much guilty. Taehyung's dark past, the lies that Jungkook spat about Taehyung, the bitter moments of the ring incident suffocated his mind with its complexity.

'Taehyung, if. . .if I could just meet you. .'

Jimin was always seen as an angel by the people. If someone says, 'Jimin can also hurt people' they'd laugh at the stupid person's face. Yeah, that's what they thought of him and he also knew it well.

But he hurt Taehyung. That person whom he had always adored since the first day of their university. 'Taehyung this, Taehyung that'--- he couldn't count how many times he got scolded by Jungkook for bragging about Taehyung in their conversations.

'It hurts now. Hurts so good.'

He gave up on finding Taehyung.

But fate had decided something else for him.


Taehyung's body shuddered when the shriek sound of the thunderclouds vibrated through his eardrums but he made no effort to move from the grassy, reedy ground, eyeing the ripples of a pond. He let the sharp droplets of the ripples hit his clothes in a continual manner. His mind was blank as he stood there like a statue.

Until. . .

He heard that voice for which his heart once used to crave all time. . .

And that moment his heart only filled with hatred to hear the voice.


He closed his eyes as the folded emotions started unfolding, he felt like his walls which he built around him were going to crumple down in pieces and he hated it, hated it to the core.

No, not this time.

"Taehyung, what're you doing here? It's dangerous to stand here in thunders." Taehyung could sense the panic and worry in his voice. He turned behind to face him, eyes darkened as the sky. Jimin never felt the aura which was radiating from Taehyung before, deep down it scared him.

His heart ached immensely when he met his eyes.

'The eyes that always held the sparkle of fondness for me is gone now. . .'

'I see only hatred there. . .'

'Nothing else. . .'

He felt a lump crawling up in his throat as he harshly swallowed it. The creak sound of Taehyung's slow footsteps brought him out of his thoughts and he found himself within reach of Taehyung. But this time there was no love, no affection within his presence.

He didn't dare to look into those lifeless eyes, well how could he when he was the one to cause this?

"What the fuck do you want now?"

The voice--- it lost all the affection for him.

Tears instantly built up in his eyes. It was not that Jimin was sensitive, because he never imagined that someday Taehyung would talk to him in that voice. Jimin couldn't find a way to describe his voice, it wasn't cold, but neither it had the warmth.

"Aren't you gonna say something? Or have you gone deaf?" This time Jimin found utter vexation in his voice. He finally dared to look at him, tears were already running down his cheeks but Taehyung didn't even seem a bit bothered by it.

"Tae-" He didn't realize how intensely Taehyung's demeanor crashed his heart that a chocked sob unknowingly escaped his lips.

"So you're here to show me your crying face? What happened? Already found the truth?"

"I. . .I'm here for the truth. . . to hear it from you. . ." He slowly brushed the tears away from his face.

"Amidst the bunches of lies you're living in, a small truth won't change a thing in your mind."

Jimin stood there frozen at his answer.
'How many truths are still unknown to me?'

"Then pull me out of the lies, Taehyung! Pull me out. . ." He shouted, voice cracking at the end. All the anguish, all the desperation which were infusing his mind from the last month, gushed out through his voice. But to his dismay, Taehyung just turned back, a bitter chuckle escaped his lips. He swallowed thickly before responding, "What's the point. . .?" It left Jimin in utter perplexity. "What's the point of telling you the truth when in the end, you'll only see me as the Villain?"

Jimin stood there frozen at his words. The memory of slapping Taehyung suddenly flashed in his mind as he felt his heart twisting painfully.
"Why did you do this!? I trusted you!"

Yes, trust.

That time Jimin didn't trust him and now Taehyung doesn't trust him anymore.

"No, Taehyung. . .it won't happen. Because this time I came to you carrying my trust within my heart." He clarified, his voice held so much softness for the younger, just like before. Taehyung turned around, hurt glistened in his eyes but sadly, Jimin couldn't muster his courage to look into those eyes.

"Will you trust me if I say, the ring incident was Jungkook's plan to break us apart? Will you trust me if I say, he was the one who sold the ring to Diana indirectly. . .?" His heart almost dropped at the words, in a flash he looked up at him, staring blankly. "Will you trust me if I say. . .that he was the one who stole it from you? Will you, Jimin?" Jimin couldn't grasp it all, he couldn't understand what joke his fate was playing with him. "Look at you, Jimin. I can't even trace a glint of trust in your eyes and you speak of carrying it within your heart?" He scoffed scornfully and Jimin found himself in ambivalence towards the state of affairs.

"Trust isn't an easy feeling, Jimin." He said in a calm tone. "Trust is fragile but it can be the strongest feeling at the same time if your heart is rooted to the person you love, like yours is completely attached to Jungkook." He paused as he sucked in a deep breath as the grievance was killing his heart but he prevented to show it. "And I don't blame you. Isn't it natural to grow trust on your boyfriend? Ofcourse it is. What I'm trying to say is that you won't trust me now, even if you do, it'll be all shattered at the end and this time I can give you a truth as its reason, wanna hear it? That, Jungkook'll never let you trust me."

A thunder crashed upon the sky as the lightning hit the distant ground between them.

"I hope you get your answers here." He sighed airily before walking past Jimin who just stood there numb. For some unknown emotions his conscience bothered him as he turned back for the last time before going, "It's now your choice whether to free yourself from the lies or to stay buried under them."

With that Taehyung turned around and went away from there with a heavy heart, leaving Jimin in the frightful thunderstorm.


FOR THE GOD'S SAKE STOP SAYING WHEN WILL JIMIN FIND ABOUT JUNGKOOK! Chill. .he'll know about it soon, maybe in next chapter? 👀
And we'll get to see a Taekook fight
(actions obviously)

I wanted to make it emotional as I rewrite this chap 98753379 times like wtf-

If you're not feeling emotional then please never talk to me😭😭😭

Ily'all so much for the support and the motivation ❤

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