♤ NINE ♤

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The next month passed in a haze and things had bitterly changed between them, the incident affected especially Taehyung that he became emotionless. He neither found joy nor sorrow in his good and bad times.

His heart felt like stone.

Diana narrated the whole incident of the ring but Taehyung seemed to have a hard time to believe it. After whatever happened that day, he didn't have the courage to believe the people around him. On the other hand, Jimin had no interest in listening the ring incident from Diana.

He failed to evolve the trust in Jimin's heart.

And it hurt him sharply. He thought that Jimin would at least take a little time before making any conclusion because Taehyung had always seen  him as a sensible person who always thought before making assumptions. Other than that, for a person like Jimin, it was nearly impossible to believe the things against Taehyung because he always saw him in a good light and always had loved him secretly.

But at the end he trusted the trickster Jungkook.

To keep his mind detached from his emotions Taehyung chose to stay absorbed in his works. All the time he was studying, exercising or taking part in their university events. And he felt good. He knew that Jimin was perfectly fine on his own so he decided to move on from him.

But was Jimin really fine?

Life seems to be much ironic, doesn't it?

They thought Jimin was fine because they thought Taehyung didn't matter anything to him. But they didn't know how much Jimin was tormented among his endless thoughts. His heart ached every second whenever he thought of Taehyung. Taehyung's heart seemed so delicate and full of love to Jimin, so after hurting him, Jimin's heart twisted in anguish though he was convincing himself very hard to take on the truth but his heart wasn't accepting it. His heart wasn't also allowing him to think Jungkook as liar. After seeing the painful tears in his lover's eyes he couldn't even imagine that he could be lying.

Being tired of running in circles, he decided to visit his hyungs in a cafe run by them.


He entered there and saw his hyungs busy in their works. He greeted them.
"Good morning Namjoon hyung! Jin hyung!"

"Oh hey Jimin! You almost forgot us. It's like you're meeting us after a decade." Jin said.

"Oh, stop being dramatic, hyung. I remembered you that's why I'm here."

"And you only remember us when you get into problems." Namjoon teased. "What happened now?"

"First of all, tell us what would you like to take?" Jin asked.


"Well, fine. Sit there with Joon and talk. I'm coming in a while."

Namjoon and Jimin took their seats.
"So how's university?"

"I wish I wasn't admitted there." He sighed.

"Why?" Namjoon frowned after hearing that. "Professors aren't teaching there well? Or they're giving students lots of assignment?"

"None of them."

"Then something happened from friendzone?"

"Yeah. . ."
He continued, "Actually, I had got a. . ." He was feeling so hesitant to utter the next word. So Namjoon decided to speak for him, "boyfriend?"

"Hyung!!" He whined.


"You're right. How did you get it?"

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