Sabine Brouwer

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Name: Sabine Brouwer

Age: 19 

Height: 6'5

Weight: 215

Likes: Cold weather, annoying Endeavor, giving Natsuo attention, learning about Norse mythology

Dislikes: Seeing Natsuo angry, hot weather, being called a giant

Quirk: Frost Manipulation

Quirk Description: She is immune to cold temperatures and can control snow or ice (not create ice, only control it), but can't really do much else

Drawbacks: Despite being immune to the feeling of cold, she can still get frostbite and could possibly freeze to death without even knowing it, she found out after her pinky finger got frostbite when she was a kid 

Casual Outfit: (image above, her hair is half-shaven as well)

Formal Outfit: 

Family: Mother and Father (unnamed for now)

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Family: Mother and Father (unnamed for now)

Friends: Fuyumi, Rei, Shoto

Boyfriend: Natsuo Todoroki

Personality: She is cocky and loves to give and receive positive attention from people, especially when it's someone she cares about, loves to make dirty jokes whenever it's appropriate

Birthday: December 12th

Backstory: She originally lived in the Netherlands, where no one really talked to her, whether it would be kids at school, or her own parents, as they were always working. When they moved to Japan due to her parents' work, everything felt different. She would actually make friends at school and people loved talking to her. When she met Natsuo, she saw he seemed so down and angry, so she wanted to make him smile and laugh as much as she could. It took a while, but one day when they were freshmen, she made him laugh when she made a joke about Endeavor, and his laugh gave her butterflies. She had gotten close to him and would visit him whenever she could, and if she saw Endeavor, she would call him 'Flame Daddy' or 'Future Father' just to mess with him, but she does really want to marry Natsuo one day.

Extra Info: She has Viking heritage, which is why she loves to research and learn about Vikings and Norse mythology because it fascinates her.

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