Amisho Tara

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Name: Amisho Tara

Age: 21 

Birthday: April 2nd

Height: 5'6

Weight: 147 lb

Quirk: Steel Weapon

Quirk Description: She can turn steel into any weapon, depending on the size of the steel, she can make daggers, swords, poleaxes, any weapon. 

Drawbacks: She can only keep the form of a weapon for a certain amount of time before she starts to get bad headaches and nosebleeds. 

Villain Outfit: 

The picture above (imagine she's more menacing okie?)

Formal Outfit: 

Personality: She is cold and stoic, and has a very hard time trusting people

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Personality: She is cold and stoic, and has a very hard time trusting people. When she joined the LoV, she didn't show much respect or friendliness to anyone for a while but slowly warmed up to them. She only really showed Shigaraki more respect at first because he was the leader, but didn't fully trust him for a while.

Likes: Anime, cosplaying, succeeding on missions, junk food mostly, keeping her comrades safe, seeing heroes suffer

Dislikes: Talking about her past or mention of her father, people on the LoV disrespecting Shigaraki, AFO, being called cute

Crush: Shigaraki

Backstory: When Amisho was 5 years old, her mother left her father, leaving Amisho with her abusive and alcoholic father, but had given her a steel bracelet before leaving. When she got her quirk, she quickly started to teach herself how to use weapons such as swords and knives, but her father tried to keep her from using her quirk, always saying "A lady doesn't fight." He would beat her whenever she didn't do exactly what he wanted, or if he had gotten too drunk and mistook her for her mother, and by the age of 8, he started to do more than beat her...One late night, Amisho was in her room, listening to music as she studied when her father drunkenly stumbled in and saw her laying on her bed. Amisho had no time to react when she felt her father pin her to the bed and had raped her. He had hurt her physically and psychologically and would beat and rape her for 4 more years until she finally had enough, realizing the heroes weren't going to save her. At the age of 12, she snuck into the living room when her father was passed out on the couch with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. She took her bracelet off, turning it into a dagger, and stood over him. She covered his mouth, and stabbed him over 20 times, going insane for a moment as she watched the blood spill from his chest. Once she finished, she turned the dagger back into a bracelet and washed the blood off, then changed her clothes, and left the house, never going back. She lived on the streets for a while and had gone to a club one night, just wanting to get some food since she hadn't eaten in a few days. When she went there, someone offered her a needle, the 15-year-old had no idea what it was and decided to give it a little try. She watched as some of the other people would stick it in their arm and push it in, and followed their lead, and she felt something she had never felt. The high made her feel so great, it was pure bliss to her, which made her push it even further. After that, she had been addicted to cocaine for a while, using it as an escape from her life and her past whenever she remembered. When she turned 19, however, she started to realize how awful it really was and had cut herself off, at first she struggled hard, but slowly did better. She started to do crime, first started off as petty thievery, but soon she started to kill others and would kill heroes that weren't really known, doing her best to slowly take down the hero society, until she heard about the League of Villains. She was walking down the street when she heard a man wearing a mask talking about it. She had learned this man was called Twice, and he had taken her to meet the leader of this infamous group, Tomura Shigaraki. She proved to him that she was worthy and that she would be loyal to the LoV no matter what. As she worked with them, she rose in rank rather quickly, proving that she had the same goal as them, and would soon become Shigaraki's Second in Command. 

Extra: She is close friends with Spinner and Toga.

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