Ommi Tayaki

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(I did some editing to the picture, I couldn't find the original
That's her sparring outfit)

Name: Ommi Tayaki

Hero Name: Grapple Girl

Birthday: October 21st

Age: 21

Height: 5'11

Weight: 149 lb

Likes: Spicy food, reading, quiet, staying in, helping others

Dislikes: Sour foods, big groups, being the center of attention

 Quirk: Grapple

Quirk Description: Her hands are like grappling hooks, and her hand is connected to her arm by a wire in her arm that goes about 5 feet and is made out of nerves and bones. When she shoots her hand out of her arm, she can still control her fingers and such.

Drawbacks: If she uses it too long her wrists get sore, and despite the nerve wire being incredibly strong, if it gets cut or severed, she'll be in a great deal of pain.

Hero Outfit: 

Casual Outfit: 

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Casual Outfit: 

Casual Outfit: 

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Formal Outfit:

Formal Outfit:

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Crush: Hawks

Personality: She his laid back and caring, mostly doesn't get offended by what others say, very charming, but can become panicked in big crowds.

Works With: Hawks (starts as sidekick, changes into partner)

Birthday: March 5th

Backstory: She had a relatively normal childhood, though her mother died after giving birth to Ommi, her father loved her and took care of her the best he could. She always respected her father, but as she became a teenager, she started to become more rebellious. Her father tried to keep her on a straight arrow, but she just wouldn't listen and was a criminal for a little while at age 16 but it didn't last very long. She didn't do major crimes, like murder, though it still wasn't good, for about 4 months, she would rob and steal, at first just small things from the gas station, but soon she stole purses, wallets, and tried to rob a bank, but was quickly stopped. When she was arrested, her father bailed her out, but punished her for it, making her work every day at his business with him and making her do extra work. Eventually, her punishment became a job and she happily worked with him. She applied for a hero school, but UA didn't accept her due to her criminal record. Ketsubusu Academy High School, on the other hand, gave her a chance, and despite starting late, was able to graduate on time with her hero license. It was a little rough as a new hero, but she did her best, and mostly tried to stay out of the spotlight, not liking to be crowded by others, and would end up running away from reporters. After a while, she decided to apply at Hawks' agency to help her become a better hero as she was still relatively new. She was charismatic and would always shoot a witty comment whenever he tried to flirt with her, and eventually had a little fling with each other that neither imagined would bloom into love.

Extra Info: Despite being charismatic and a charmer, she gets bad anxiety when she's anywhere that's crowded, i.e. the club or a party, and Hawks will usually try to keep her away from the large group.

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