Author-Chan (My Main Character)

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Okay, so before I begin, I do use "me" in more than one universe, so I'm going to do multiple, so it's gonna be kind of long...

The age, height, hair color, eye color, and weight are going to be the same for all of them so I won't repeat those

My Hero Academia: 

Name: Aya "Author-Chan" Gloack 

Age: 20 

Eye color: Hazel 

Hair Color: Dark Brown 

Height: 5'7

Weight: 175 lbs

Career: Sidekick 

Likes: Anime, sweet food, spooky stuff, swimming, country pop and rock music, writing fun stories, her family

Dislikes: Being alone, bitter things, bullies, not being enough 

Friends: Hawks, Ommi, Mirko, Best Jeanist, Mic, Silenai, Aizawa 

Rival: None 

Enemy: None

Quirk: Notebook

Quirk Description: Her notebook gives her the power to do whatever she wants, however, it works in two ways. If she wants something, she writes how the item appears, closes it, and that action will happen. Now, if she writes a scenario, for example, "Dabi will go and meet with Hawks. They will discuss the League of Villains and the hero commission.", and then closes it, it will only last for so long. One sentence for a scenario is equal to one hour, and when that time is up, all the actions will be forgotten, and only Author-Chan can remember. Once she closes the notebook, the words will disappear from the notebook.

Drawbacks: She can only write up to 4 sentences, if she tries to go any further, she will get back headaches, become dizzy, and get nosebleeds. Also, she gets hurt, the notebook gets damaged, and vice versa. 

Hero and Casual Outfit: Picture above (tho she wears a different hoodie when she's not working and will wear jeans, in the picture she has shorts) 

Formal Outfit: 

Formal Outfit: 

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Crush: Twice 

Backstory: She and her family moved to Japan when she was 12, and she decided that she wanted to try and be a hero, or at least a sidekick. So, after middle school, she went to Ketsubutsu Academy High School (no main character here :p). When she graduated, she became a sidekick before becoming a full-on hero, signing with the Hawks agency. She works with him for some time, before getting kidnapped by the LoV, and keeps her locked in a room for a while, making sure to feed her and keep her hydrated, but taking her notebook so she can't use it. They try to force her to join, but they refuse and torture her by ripping the pages slightly just to pain her. After a while, however, they start to be a little nicer, trying to get her to join a different way...more so using Twice, as they notice him being fond of her. At first. Author-Chan is afraid of Twice, but he tries to ease her, genuinely caring about her. After a while, the two end up falling in love, despite knowing he's a villain, she sees good, genuine good in Twice. She doesn't become a full-on member, however, she agrees to help them occasionally, as long as she gets to roam around the base and be with Twice. (Only going that far in case someone hasn't seen the newest season) 

Extra Info: She makes Twice feel calm without his mask only when it's just them.

Demon Slayer :

Name: Aimi Suzuki

Age: 23

Personality: She's gentle and shy, doesn't talk back to anyone, and does what she's told

Crush: Gyutaro 

Backstory: She lives in the entertainment District, under the Kyogoku House. She never knew of demons, until one day accidentally walking in on Daki talking to her brother, Gyutaro. Horrified, she tried to run away but was caught by the male demon, who almost killed her, but she begged him to spare her life, telling him she'd do whatever it took, that she would keep her mouth shut, and let him do what he wanted to her, without pay. Seeing her eagerness to live, plus knowing that Daki wanted her to live since she was making good money, Gyutaro decided to spare her life but threatened to take her out if she told a soul. For a while. Author-Chan lived in fear, writing stories to herself to try and forget what she saw, which is how she got the nickname, "Author-Chan." One night, as Gyutaro was looking for a human to consume, Author-Chan was out working, when Gyutaro snuck back into the building, accidentally going into her room. He had stumbled upon her writing and was quite impressed. As Author-Chan came to her room, she saw the demon and assumed the worst. She got on her knees and told him she hadn't told anyone, that she kept her mouth shut, afraid he was going to kill her. Gyutaro looked at her, about to make a snide remark...when he saw bruising on her body. He put down her stories, going and examining her, getting a flashback for a moment, remembering how his sister almost died because a man put his hands on her, but she had fought back. Seeing Author-Chan bruised enraged him, but not with her. He went and hunted the man who did this, killing him painfully before returning. He made a promise to Author-Chan, that he would protect her until the day she or he died, not wanting her to ever get hurt again.

(Yes, it's basically a fanfic story between me and Gyutaro, but this is what I want, so >:p)

Attack on Titan 

Name: Aya McArbor

Age: 19

Ethnicity: Marleyan

Personality: Sweet and loving, treats everyone kindly, even Eldians

Crush: Poro Galliard

Backstory: Aya is a Marleyan Noble, but unlike other Marleyans, she is very kind to Eldians. When she was about five years old, her parents were in a car crash, but an Eldian saved them. Despite her parents being ungrateful, she appreciated the man who saved her and realized he was no different from her. When she was 15, she met Porco, one of the warriors of Marley, who seemed bitter and condescending and found it strange for a noble Marleyan to treat him kindly. After meeting the warriors, she decided to visit them every day, being curious about how they train and was curious about their titan abilities, finding it more intriguing than terrifying, no one understood her methods, and she enjoyed seeing the brave warriors that kept her home safe, and always tried to talk to Porco, despite how distant he tried to make himself.

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