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Taehyung flinched awake to the sound of his alarm ringing. He sat up from the floor and looked across the room to see the phone he had tossed onto his bed before doing his usual routine.

Oh right, I need to call my GP. Taehyung dragged his feet to the phone and eventually turned the alarm off. A sigh left his lips knowing that he'd be left on hold for a while, so he dialled the number and made his way to the toilet. Once he finished pressing all the keys, he requested a call back and placed the phone away.

I should say sorry to Jeongguk for being rude to him yesterday. He thought to himself as he made his way towards the bathroom.

Even though it had been a week and a bit now, he still wasn't used to living with Jeongguk. He felt guilty for using something that wasn't his even though Jeongguk had stated otherwise.

I won't be here for long. He told himself once he finished freshening up. Unfortunately, he didn't have any other outfits to change into so he stayed in the same clothes and made his way downstairs where he was expecting to see Jeongguk.

The elder sat at the dining table with his phone in his hand and a plate below him. Taehyung's plate sat opposite him which made Taehyung feel even more guilty, even after everything Jeongguk was still making sure breakfast was prepared for him.

"Morning." Jeongguk muttered once Taehyung awkwardly sat down in front of him.

"Morning." He whispered back, fidgeting with his fingers nervously, "I'm really sorry for getting angry at you for a stupid reason yesterday, I shouldn't have lashed out like that."

Jeongguk looked up from his phone, a strange feeling forming in his chest when saw the way Taehyung's lips were tugged into a small pout. It looked different to his usual sharp and intimidating face — he definitely preferred it.

"It's okay." Jeongguk softly answered, the feeling his chest growing when he saw Taehyung's shoulders slowly drop in relief and eyes slowly meet his. What the hell is going on with me?

"Are your parents coming today?"

"Yeah, they're coming for dinner so for the rest of today I want to take you out to buy some clothes like I said I would."

"Is there going to be paparazzi?"

"Not any planned ones, some people may recognise us but this isn't a stunt so there won't be many people following us." Jeongguk replied.

Taehyung felt more relaxed after hearing that too. Why's everything working out? Something bad will probably happen later.


"Do you have anyone you want to go with instead?" Jeongguk asked, noticing how Taehyung's eyes lit up the slightest bit at that.

"Do you not want to come?"

"I don't mind, I'm asking because it might feel more like home if you go out with a friend and it'll probably help you feel better emotionally because you've been on edge all week." Jeongguk explained, "Do you know anyone?"

Taehyung wasn't used to someone being so thoughtful, it made him feel strange and a little uncomfortable as he wasn't sure how long the behaviour would last.

"I have Jimin, he's my best friend and lives nearby."

"Ask him if he can go with you, you can go after breakfast."

"Okay." Taehyung answered and swiftly pulled his phone out.

Jimin can you go shopping with me? Jeongguk wants me to buy clothes and said to go with a friend

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