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Taehyung was woken up the sound of knocking coming from his door. He shuffled on the hard somber floor, arms and neck aching from the awkward position he has fallen asleep in. His puffy eyes look down at his wrists that had dried blood and some on the floor, then cursed when a sharp pain shot through his head.

"Mr. Kim? Are you awake?" A female voice spoke on the other end and Taehyung quickly grabbed everything from the floor and wiped it with his feet.

"Yeah, sorry," Taehyung answers and walked over to the door to open it for the woman.

"Morning Mr. Kim, I'm Soyeon and I'm the maid or whatever you want to call me. Mr. Jeon is waiting for you downstairs- is it okay if I clean your room?" The woman politely asked the boy who cleared his throat and looked around.

"Yeah sure, just don't touch the backpack okay?" Taehyung nervously asked the woman who raised her eyebrows in confusion but nodded regardless.

"You should freshen up," Jeongguk appeared from the stairs wearing a perfectly styled casual outfit that it almost didn't look like he casually threw it on.

"Huh?" Taehyung took some time to process what was going on, his main focus was on how there was Ketamine stashed away somewhere and his wrists needed covering up. He kept his arms behind him the entire time.

"We're going to be going out together today. Some stylists are downstairs waiting for you, so go get dressed." Jeongguk demanded the boy who looked at him confused.

"Why do I need a stylist to go out?"

"It's a publicity showcase, you're just gonna walk around me in some places today and let paparazzi find us and take pictures." Jeongguk explained to the boy who cursed under his breath.

How am I gonna go around the street if people know my face? I'm gonna have to start being even more careful.

"Okay," Taehyung turned around towards the bathroom, "Should I meet you downstairs?"

"No, I'll wait for you in your bedroom. I need to talk to you before we go." Jeongguk followed Taehyung indoors and shut the door behind him.

Soyeon quietly cleaned, placing Taehyung's backpack away in his closet which gave Taehyung a lot more reassurance. Taehyung was also stunned to see that he had a small walk in closet.

Taehyung didn't look back at Jeongguk as he walked into the bathroom with just some fresh boxers and a towel. He didn't bring many outfits, so he planned on wearing the same one as before.

Jeongguk sat down on his bed and looked around the room, he noticed that nothing had changed including the bedsheets which made him wonder if Taehyung even slept at all or if he slept on the floor.

There's no way he did his bed, he can't even take care of himself. Jeongguk thought to himself and glanced at the bathroom door when the taps came on.

Taehyung ran his arms under the sink and winced, he didn't bother cleaning properly and instead focused on brushing his teeth and washing his face.

Once he had brushed his teeth, he stripped himself of all clothes and stepped into the shower. Taehyung always enjoyed burning hot showers as the pain felt nice against his skin, he couldn't care less if it was damaging or not.

Taehyung couldn't remember the last time he could have a proper shower. Of course he showered before, except he'd never get to use any good products or take that long. Even now he was only taking fifteen minutes, but at his aunts house they'd complain about the water bill after he was inside for five minutes.

It felt good for sure, finally getting all dirt off of him and washing his hair that was constantly covered in dirt from occasionally sleeping on the streets.

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