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Taehyung stared ahead at his suitcase, watching his mother throw things in his backpack while his father was speaking to him about his behaviour. An empty feeling inside of him grew stronger and soon things began to feel as if they weren't real.

"You can't go around being dirty and doing drugs, you'll be moving in with a famous millionaire so act right," His father sternly glared down at him, growing angrier when the boy stared right past him with a blank look, "Thank God you're wanted somewhere other than the news," he bitterly spat.

"Hopefully he doesn't set that poor man's house on fire too," His mother jumped in.

"Maybe he should, that way he'll get kicked out and can finally live where he always is," Mr. Kim tutted, "What time do we send him off?"

Taehyung swiftly left the room, no longer wanting to deal with what was going on inside and instead he pulled out a cigarette to calm himself down.

Jeongguk stuck his cigarette deep into his ash tray, staring at the woman moving around in front of him as soft piano music played in the background. He picked up another cigarette and popped it in his mouth, this time shifting his eyes from her to the clock.

"Mr. Jeon, please stop smoking inside of here it's really hard to get the smell out," She sighed, dropping her gloved hands to the side, "What if Mr. Kim doesn't like cigarettes?"

"Too bad." Jeongguk mumbled as he lit up another one, "Is everything clean?"

"Yes, when does he arrive? Would you like me to call the chef?" She asked the man who nodded.

"Ask her to cook something less fancy though," Jeongguk exhaled out smoke, "He should be arriving in 20 minutes, so call her now and make sure that she cooks by dinner."

"Yes sir, is there anything else you'd like me to do?"

"Is Taehyung's room prepared?"

The maid looked at him confused, "I thought you would share a room? It's what soul-"

"So it's not prepared?" Jeongguk raised his eyebrows.

"I can get it prepared in five minutes," She bowed and shortly left the room.

Jeongguk leaned back against chair, watching time go by slowly. He decided to read some emails too and organise his messy desk, cursing when he almost knocked over his ash tray. After ten minutes his office door opened again to reveal his maid all sweaty.

"All done. The chef is on her way now."

"Great. You may go home now," Jeongguk smiled at her, giving her nod as she bowed and left the room.

Jeongguk decided to get up too, his 'soulmate' was due to arrive and naturally he had to greet him. He decided to analyse his house first, feeling proud about how big it was and growing excited to show it off to Taehyung. But, that excitement died down when he realised that he was going to have to live with someone he didn't want.

This nonsense will stop soon. Jeongguk told himself before heading towards to one of the large window beside the door. He took in the view outside, enjoying the pouring rain that tapped against his window.

His eyebrows furrowed when he saw a figure approaching his door with staggering footsteps, for a second he believed it was Taehyung but he didn't expect the boy to walk in the rain to his new home.

So, he hurriedly rushed over to the door the second he heard his doorbell and yanked the door open. To his surprise, the familiar boy stood in front of him while drenched and holding a singular backpack.

"Did you not come with your parents?" Jeongguk asked the boy who shook his head and stared past him into the big white house.

Taehyung stepped inside with a feeling of dread and disorientation. Everything was happening so fast that he didn't have any time to process it and now nothing felt real. He couldn't believe that it had already been 3 days and he was expected to live with his soulmate.

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