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Tired eyes stared ahead, staring at the two adults that seemed to be arguing with each other but in reality just naturally spoke that way. They'd squeeze shut whenever their voice got too loud or would shoot away when one of them got to close to him.

"Look at him, shamelessly showing up with red eyes even after he got a lecture yesterday," A woman pointed at the boy who didn't react, keeping his droopy eyes on the floor.

That was until fingers roughly dug into the sides of his cheeks, forcing him to face forward and make eye contact with the two in front of him. The grip got harder when they saw all the bruises on his face.

"How are we supposed to take this pathetic thing to dinner? Look at the state of him, they'll definitely reject the marriage," A man this time spoke, stepping forward with a grimacing smile, "I wonder he got the best soulmate? What did he do to deserve it?"

"At least he's going now, I was getting sick of his parents constantly dropping him off here and not returning for days," She spat at Taehyung who flinched, "Go and clean yourself, your parents are arriving soon."

Taehyung didn't waste any time and carried himself away fast, practically running up the stairs to his bedroom. It wasn't exactly a bedroom, it was a spare room that was used for his baby cousin but had a small mattress on the floor for him to sleep on.

It was hard at first since the baby was usually always crying, but Taehyung managed to find ways to comfort her and at times even fell asleep with her.

There wasn't a place for him to clean up and he didn't have the equipment anyway, so he picked up some old towel of his and made his way over to the bathroom, making sure to stop at the crib for a few seconds before leaving.

Once he was done washing his face and sorting his hair out, he quietly made his way back to the tiny room to spend some time alone before needing to deal with the pain downstairs.

The first thing he did was search for a specific contact name, pressing it without much hesitance. His frail fingers held onto the phone weakly, they were covered with small cuts from god knows what and blood was dried up beneath his poorly maintained nails. He sat awkwardly, legs close to his chest and body stiff due to the uncomfortable stiff mattress. The only thing that kept the room away from seeming like some strange room was the crib in the middle and soft pastel colours decorating the room.

Taehyung was no soft or pastel boy, but the room made him feel at ease. He was used to the dark colours and sides of the streets where he spent his time doing even darker things for the thrill, and then he'd feel a sense of guilt and regret when he returned back to the cute room. He felt as if he had disappointed his inner child.

"Hello?" Finally a voice spoke from the phone which made Taehyung jump and let out a quiet sigh, "What's up? Are you out of those shackles yet?"

"No," Taehyung breathed, chewing on his bottom lip and staring up at the flowers on the ceiling with sharp eyes that contrasted with the softness of it, "Where were you? I tried calling you yesterday- something important happened."

"Oh shit really? Sorry, Namjoon came over and you know- but what happened?" Jimin shuffled on the other end and Taehyung could hear him getting closer to the phone as he heard his loud breathing for a few seconds.

"So apparently some fucking idiot spent their money on the soulmate thing," Taehyung let out a dry laugh, extending his fingers out and staring at the disgusting state of them.

"No way? You've found your soulmate?!" Jimin's voice became louder in realisation, excitement laced somewhere and also confusion, "Wait what?! Explain from the start- you're finally getting out of that shithole?"

"I don't know? I went out to have a few cigarettes, I came back and they were just standing there. Then they told me that some guys parents did a soulmate test and now they want us to get married- I'm supposed to meet him in 2 days and my parents are flying back to meet him with me," Taehyung explained trying his best to hide the slightest bit of eagerness he had.

"Oh my fucking gosh, thank fuck I was getting worried that your stay with your deranged uncle and aunt forever and then rot in that damn room." Jimin tutted and laughed, "Do you know anything about the guy? Is he rich?"

"No, they didn't really tell me much. They're mad about it because they wanted their son to have a better soulmate than me," Taehyung laughed at how childish it sounded when he repeated it, laughing harder when Jimin joined in.

"That means he must be rich. Are you excited? You better tell me all the details,"

Taehyung stared at the rainbow forming in the room due to sun shining through a window and through a glass sun catcher that dangled above the crib.

"Not really," Taehyung gave an honest response while picking at his fingernails, "I'm only 19, I don't wanna get married so soon and with some random guy. I know he's my soulmate so we'd end up getting married anyway, but what if he's a dickhead? Or what if we could've had some nice love story?"

"Maybe this is how you two were destined to meet each other? Like, what if you two were fated to meet each other through the test and get married?" Jimin spoke, convincing Taehyung who stared at his dirty shoes and hummed in thought.

Taehyung opened his mouth ready to answer him, but more yelling came from downstairs, "I need to go, my parents are here."

"Okay! Call me later!" Jimin managed to sneak in a few words before Taehyung hurriedly left the call and made his way to the living room.

The boys small body could barely handle his big heart that crashed against his chest due to how nervous he was. At the same time, he felt an overwhelming amount of emptiness when walking into the room. Whilst the others all looked at him with happiness, he stared back with numb red eyes.

"Taehyung!" His mother stood up still in her nurse uniform which showed they both came back from their shifts, "Ah, it's only been like a week but I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. I'm sorry but you know- the house isn't the best place to be stay at right now,"

"It's fine, have you finished renovating it?" Taehyung asked as he sat down in front of the two by himself, glancing at his father who was still wearing construction clothes.

"Not entirely, we're at the floorboards right now and there's still a lot of dust. I still don't understand how that fire started," Mr. Kim let out a frustrated sigh, missing out the guilty look on Taehyung's face.

"What happened to your face?" Mrs. Kim pointed out which made Taehyung look directly at his aunt. Tension began to rise in the room and an awkward laugh came from the woman.

"I don't know, he just came home like this." She tutted.

"I got into a fight with someone," Taehyung answered. He wasn't exactly lying, some bruises belonged to strangers and some to his relatives. He stared at his parents who instantly had a disappointed face, he didn't care though because he knew that sometimes those bruises belonged to them.

That angered him too, he wondered why the cared so much when they'd do the same to him over a mistake any teenager would make. But, he contained himself and thought about whatever else before the anger became out of his control.

"Well, we heard about your soulmate finding who you are so we'll be crashing here for a few days to go to the dinner with you. I bought you this suit because I need you to look good and impress them," Mrs. Kim reached for a bag she had placed on the floor and pulled out a black suit wrapped in plastic which made the room gasp.

Taehyung was too impressed by it, but he forced a smile, it's not like he had much of a choice and crying about everything would fix it either.

"I can't wait."

NEITHER CAN I BUDDY 😈 sorry this chap took so long I said I'd double update but I got distracted

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