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Taehyung chewed on his nails, sitting uncomfortably on the living room couch which was the second room in Jeongguk's mansion down the wide hallway. It felt like he was living in sort of castle, the way it was all full of expensive furniture and even had large doors that weren't easy to open.

Why is he not back yet? Taehyung glanced down at his awfully quiet phone, head shooting up every time a noise would appear only to look down again when he realised it was from the kitchen. If he's chefs preparing dinner now, it must mean he's on his way right?

The boy didn't know why he was so concerned about where his soulmate was since they didn't like each other in the first place. Perhaps it's because Jeongguk was the first to be slightly more nice compared to other people, or maybe he was just scared of being alone in a house that he couldn't call his.

Whatever the reason was, it brought a great sense of fear in his weak body, and unwanted memories of all the other times he was left began to hit him.

Nobody wants me, maybe he's not gonna come back. Taehyung thought to himself and frowned. I'm unwanted everywhere I go, I should just find a way to leave.

Taehyung knew that having a soulmate wasn't right for him, that it'll never work out because he'll only drag Jeongguk down with him.

There must be a way to change soulmates, or at least get rid of one. Taehyung picked up his phone and began to type, sighing as he did so since he hated even thinking about soulmates.

can I change my soulmate?
Neurologists and neuroscientists are yet to discover if the neuron that's only shared with one person, your soulmate, can be altered and interfered with. Currently, research is complicated due to ethical reasons...

Taehyung frowned at that and decided to read further into it. He knew there had be someone out there who would be able to help him.

soulmate consultation
You can ask your GP to refer you to a neurologist or neuropsychologist to receive soulmate therapy. Or, your GP should be able to answer your questions.

Taehyung decided to go with it, he knew it would take years to get an appointment so he reminded himself to wake up early tomorrow to make an appointment.

In the mean time, he had certain urges to feel and thoughts to distract so he stood up hastily. His bare feet hit the tile floor and made their way to the doors, he yanked them open and walked down the hallway which lead to the open kitchen area and where the entrance was.

"Mr. Kim, Mr. Jeon will be here in five minutes and is asking for you to wait for him here." The chef spoke, placing a kitchen towel over her shoulder and didn't look up once from the dishes.

Taehyung silently made his way to the dining table and sat down. The urge to go upstairs and shoot something was strong, but he tried to resist it anyway.

It's late, he'll only talk to me for a few minutes. He reassured himself and turned to the front door which opened just five minutes later.

Jeongguk stepped inside with a tired face and a loosened tie. He lazily kicked off his shoes and chucked his briefcase beside them, dragging his feet to the dining table and unbuttoning his blazer at the same time.

"Evening." Jeongguk murmured once he was opposite Taehyung and placed the blazer around the chair, "So, I have some important plans to explain."

"Okay." Taehyung leaned against his chair and attempted to look like he cared. Some ket would seriously calm me down right now.

"So, tomorrow which hopefully is when your bruises are faded by, my parents are coming over for dinner to see how things are going. We'll talk about the engagement plan then too. After that, we'll make another public appearance at my company, and I'll also be taking you to an event party."

Taehyung didn't want to go along with any of it, but he wanted to stop arguing and being constantly angry for once so he nodded.

"I was thinking," Taehyung began to speak, also decided to share his plans, "To talk to a doctor about changing soulmates- or well stopping the connection, so that you can be with someone you want."

Jeongguk's expression slowly turned into an annoyed one, but he kept a calm tone, "Taehyung, we've already made a public appearance together. If you stop being my soulmate and I get another one, what will the public think? It'll all be such a mess, so just go along with it."

"Yeah but, at least we'll both be happier. You don't want me as your soulmate or want me even staying here, if we stop it then we can go back to living how we used to before." Taehyung continued to push the idea.

"You don't get it Taehyung, that's seriously gonna damage my reputation. You're right, I don't want you, but I'm not doing this for me personally, I'm doing it for my business and money." Jeongguk admitted coldly, staring at Taehyung who clenched his jaw and let out an angry puff.

Suddenly, all the good sides of Jeongguk he was starting to see disappeared. Now every single word that came out of Jeongguk's mouth just seemed bad, even if the other didn't intend it to be as bad as he thought.

"Why the fuck do you care so much about that shit? No wonder you're always so miserable."

"Why are you suddenly getting so rude? You were okay with this yesterday." Jeongguk looked at him disbelief.

"Was I? Did I ever say I want it this way? And so what if I was okay with it yesterday, I can change my mind can't I?" Taehyung spat at him and crossed his arms, "You should try living less sadly."

"You're telling me to live less sadly? Have you seen yourself?" Jeongguk began to grow angry too.

The chef glanced at them worriedly and cleared her throat, "Dinners ready."

Taehyung abruptly stood up the second a dish was place in front of him, "I'm not hungry." He muttered before leaving the kitchen and made his way to his room.

Jeongguk sighed and dropped his head into the palm of his hands, stressfully rubbing his forehead which he knew would start hurting soon.

Why doesn't he get it?

How are we only on chapter 10 it feels like I'm on chapter 20

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