"Yeah. The Snake Charmer wanted me to make sure you saw all this, but I wanted to talk to you about that. Some of the boys heard a rumor that FP Jones was jumped in prison by some of our boys."

"Shit," I muttered, spotting Dwight storming towards me."

"What the hell is she doing here?" he asked, grabbing my throat tightly. "I warned you last time, girly," he taunted.

"Relax, man, everyone knows she has protection," Verne said, pulling Dwight's hand off me.

"What kind of protection?" Dwight asked, glaring at me.

"Come on, you heard," Verne said, fidgeting nervously. "Dolly's working for Penny, just like we all are. She may not officially be one of us, but she's not to be touched."

Dwight turned his glare on Verne, as if trying to tell if he was telling the truth or not. "You got lucky this time," he spat at me before stalking off.

"I told you all before, I was born a Serpent and will always be one. I'm never becoming a Ghoulie" I said, rubbing my throat.

"Do you want the protection or not?" Verne asked. I nodded, knowing I needed any protection I could get in this game. "Now, about this rumor..."

"Penny told Jones that Ghoulies had jumped FP as payback for the street race landing them there. He was pissed when he found out it wasn't true," I said.

"So either someone overheard them, or that information was shared with more people."

I took a drink, thinking. "We're going to play a hopefully short game of telephone," I told Verne. "Who'd you hear it from?"

"Isaiah," he replied, looking around. "Hey! Isaiah," he shouted, waving for him to come over.

"What's up?" the blonde kid asked.

"Where'd you hear the rumor about FP Jones being jumped?" I asked.

"From, uh..." he glanced at Verne. "I heard it from Wilson. But I don't know where he heard it."

"Go," I commanded Isaiah. I watched him return to the tables where he'd been prepping sticks of Jingle Jangle for sale. When I turned back around, Verne was on the phone, hopefully calling Wilson.

"No answer," he said, frowning. "I can let you know when I hear back. Or you can stay for a bit."

I finished off the beer in my hand. "I've gotta go. Shut the rumors down though, we don't need Serpents and Ghoulies going after one another right now," I told Verne who nodded in agreement. "You handle this lot, I'll deal with my boys. And make sure no one spreads word about me being here."

"Will do, Doll," Verne said. "I'll make sure everyone knows not to lay a hand on you again."

I made my way back to town, meeting up with the others outside of Pop's.

"It's about time you got here, I'm starving," Toni announced, leading us inside. I slid into the booth across from her and Fangs, Sweet Pea sitting next to me.

"Is FP working here now?" Sweet Pea asked. I followed his gaze to the counter, where he was taking dishes from a customer.

"Yeah, didn't you hear that?" Toni said. The three of us shook our heads. Glad I wasn't the only one. But I was slightly nervous. I'd been here a few months now and not once had I gone to see FP like I'd planned.

"What can I get you four today?" the waitress asked, pen and notebook in hand.

We placed our orders and I leaned my head against Sweet Pea's shoulder while we waited. "Where were you all morning?" he asked quietly.

Redemption [Sweet Pea x OC]Where stories live. Discover now