20. 🔴TWINS🔴

Start from the beginning

"Where were you? Hmnn!! Why is it that every time there's a conspiracy in the palace, you, being my Wazir is unware...!!!"

"Mm... M.... Ma... My... Lo... Lo.. Lord, I.."

Yibo threw Wazir Li far. He hit the wall on the opposite side and fell on the ground, coughing blood.

"Song, someone dared poison my food with wolfsbane. And now my Heir and Mate are in grave danger.... How did it happen without your knowledge? I could have eaten the food and got poisoned... How are you unaware of such a big conspiracy? How is it that every time, there's a life threatening attack on my Mate and me, you let it happen!!! Why have I appointed you to such important position, if you can't even safeguard me and the Royal Family? "

Wazir Li stood up with difficulty. An angry Yibo was no joke and he could clearly feel the previous grip on his throat coming from Hanguang Jun, Yibo's most powerful and fearsome wolf. As such Hanguang Jun could be the most reserve, mature and patient one, but when angry and in charge, only almighty could handle him... And today no less than his Mate and unborn baby were in question. Fierce and enraged action were expected... Wazir Li stood up with flushed face, still holding his throat that ached like hell...

"Your Highness, please give me some time.. And let me investigate. And, whoever has done it I swear won't go unharmed. Launching attack on the Royal heir is unforgivable at any cost.. And after that, I would take my punishment, willingly for my negligence..."

Yibo looked sternly at him..... And growled...

"I want the culprit in front of me. Bring him/her, whoever it is.. Now, Scram"


Wazir Li bowed and rushed out. He turned to the guards.

"Bring everyone from the Royal kitchen, from cook to server to helper and even the cleaners, to the Torture and Investigation room.... NOW!!! "

He gritted his teeth and strode towards the Torture Room.


Paul didn't wait for long. He made a huge blood pressure drop in Sean, so that the blood flow slowed down temporarily. And made an incision in the lower abdominal area of Sean and immediately took out the baby. And he was surprised to the brink. It was twins.

One Alpha son.
One Omega daughter.

He took them both out. The other doctors took them from him and rushed to give them proper medical attention. Though, Paul didn't spare much time, but still the poison had reached the babies, though in only small amount. Also, Sean went to a death like coma condition.

Paul took a special wolfsbane species, Aconit Napel Bleu Nordique (Nordic Blue Monkshood) and extracted it's oil, forming a Wolfsbane witch oil. He took the wolfsbane witch oil and burnt it, forming a residual liquid.

"Go and smear it on the twins. And put few drops in the ears too. And a single drop in their mouth... Only a single... It will turn the wolfsbane poison in them to healer wolfsbane or at least make the poison ineffective. And summon His Lord here... "

The doctors went away. Within minutes, Yibo came. He almost rushed to Paul's chamber. Paul bowed and informed him about twins. Yibo was shell shocked.

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