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"Sometimes being surrounded by everyone is the loneliest, because you'll realize you have no one to turn to."



You wake up once again, but this time you can feel a cold asphalt under you. Sharp rocks pressing into your hands and cheeks. Pushing yourself to your knees you look around to see you are in the middle of nowhere. There are no lights, so you are only able to see by the little amount of moonlight that shines through the treetops.

"Am I on the outskirts of town?"

You get up on your feet slightly wobbling as a wave of dizziness and nausea hits you. You feel as if your body went through the ringer as you are weak and unstable. Recalling your past, you can't help but cry about having to hear your parents' dying yet again. You bend over at the waist and throw up your dinner from earlier starting to feel a little better after doing so. You start walking through the trees hoping to catch sight of the lights of town, but there is nothing for what feels like forever. After about 30 minutes of walking, you can see a faint white light shine through the window of a tall locked down castle.

It's breath taking as it stands taller than any building you have seen before. From what you can tell, in the darkness it is made of pure stone with ivy crawling up the sides like it has nowhere else to go. All the windows are dark besides one placed at the top of the tallest center tower, but you can tell it isn't a window. It's more like a door that leads out to a small balcony with white curtains flowing out of the doors. The light is the same blinding white as the gallery, seeming to draw you closer to the front door.

"There is no way I haven't seen this before. . . Where am I?"

You walk up to the front door as see it is a deep dark colored wood with brass filagree on it. The knob looks well used and discolored from the years of oils from hands touching it. You raise your fist and tap softly on the door three times, since you can only assume it's late at night and there may be people sleeping. Placing your hand back at your side you quietly wait for someone to answer the door, but after a few minutes you get no answer. You raise your fist again and knock harder this time slightly shaking the old wooden door. Finally, you can hear faint whispers and talking from what seems like 2 or 3 people coming closer to the door. It cracks open and a deep male voice speaks to you.

"The master is not taking visitors right now so you must leave."

His tone is cold and controlling, sending shivers down your spine.

"I-I need help please. . . I woke up around here and don't know where I am."

"Little lady I need you to listen to me and listen well. The master is not taking visitors right. . . "

Suddenly a smaller woman swings the door open with a smile and grabs your arm pulling you inside the castle.

"Markus she is hurt can't you see that! Master would want us to help her so that is what we will do. We never leave those less fortunate than us out in the cold, correct?"

The man named Markus flinches when she says his name and looks at her with scared eyes.

"We-well no he wouldn't Lilith but tonight was eventful for him so we cannot be noisy or blessed be the sprits who have to deal with him."

The smaller woman smiles again and practically drags you to a large sitting room filled with paintings showing people ether scared or crying while fighting with large beast looking shadow forms. They almost looked like they were painted with the same oil paints as the boy on the balcony. You walk up and look at one in particular that reminds you of Seokjin, but this painting is showing 6 shadows dragging the man away while he screams for help.

The Gallery (-BTS-)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt