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After a small nap on your couch, you wake up around 5:30pm, and walk upstairs to shower and get ready. Walking into your bedroom everything seems like it's off, almost like the colors are more vibrant, the sounds you hear in the old house are louder. Shrugging it off you walk into your bathroom and start the shower not really waiting for the water to get fully hot now. You quickly shower and jump out to do your skincare and brush your hair pulling it up into a wet messy bun. Walking over to your closet you decide upon a pair of all black tactical pants, plain forest green crop top, and your black doc martin boots. You walk over to your vanity and apply a soft green make-up look and pair everything off with a set of back rings along with a black chunky chain necklace.

It's now around 7pm so you grab your purse and walk out of your house making sure to lock the door behind you. As you walk off your porch you look towards Seungmins house to see a couple cop cars sitting outside and not too far from you, you see Chris walking your way. You turn and start heading down the road which is oddly quiet. There are no kids playing, all the houses seem empty, and even the leaves on the trees are still like they are frozen in time. Once you walk about halfway there you hear someone running up behind you, so you spin around only to see Chris running at you. Before you have time to move, and he has no time to stop before he pretty much tackles you to the ground. You cough as the air gets pushed from your lungs and he stands up dusting his pants off a small amount of blush creeping up his neck from embarrassment.

"What the heck Chris! What do you want?"

"I'm sorry. . . I wanted to catch you before you do something stupid. We planned everything for Minho's memorial and Seungmin wants you to speak about our childhood."

You stand up finally dusting off your pants and look up at him since he towers over your 5'4 size.

"If he wants me to I will but only because he needs me. This is not for you Chris; I hope you understand that. They are like my brothers, and he deserves to be happy. Also, please for the love of the spirits do not talk try and talk me out this. I already said I'm doing this for Minho and unlike others I do NOT break my promises."

"I. . . I understand Y/N. Please stay safe, I'll have Seungmin text you over the time and date for everything. Bye."

With that you both turn and walk away with him returning to Seungmins house and you walking to the gallery. Upon reaching the gallery you can see it. . . the faint white line again. Without any hesitation you walk up to the doorway again, crossing the threshold one more. Just like last time the door slams shut leaving you in darkness, and a chill runs up your spine. It's the feeling of eyes watching your every move, room spinning and leaving you unbalanced. When finally, the dizziness takes over again but this time you feel like you're falling though a dark void. While below you, you hear the hinges of doors creak open and the same blinding white glow of the gallery lights up your back. You land softly on your feet only to come face to face with the same six glass white walls you woke up in before.

"Hello? Are you there curator?"

"Why if it isn't my little lily. May I ask how you got back in here?"

"You told me to come back tonight. . . I got two cards."

He whispers to himself "Spirits! Those morons are going to get me killed."

"You also said you would help with my article, but that you needed my help."

"Ahh yes, my dear I must have forgotten about that." His voice is slightly raised like he's panicking. Suddenly he appears in front of you and holds out his hand. He is dressed differently today now wearing a white lacy long sleeve top with a red collar that has intricate black beading on it. He has tight black slacks on that have a velvet strip down the outside of the leg. His shoes are mat black dress shoes with metal heels and toes.

"If you would follow me, please. Since I was not expecting anyone due to unforeseen circumstances. . . I will allow you to view the rest of my collection tonight."

You take his hand and wince slightly when the thin red line of your hand starts to burn. You look down and see that the line has curved now forming the infinity symbol. You both start walking forward and its like all the memories you forgot start flooding back to you.

"Hey Jin?"

"Yes my lily?"

"A-Are you the reason the towns people are getting sick?"

He stops walking standing right in front of the back wall looking down at you. He smiles and guides you to stand in front of him having your back to the wall while placing one hand beside your head the other hanging by his leg. He smiles at you but there is sadness in his eyes.

"No, my dear. . . I am not the reason, but you might need to ask that question again once you reach the end of the gallery." 

Before you can speak, he places his hand in the middle of your chest and pushes you backward making you trip over your feet. You are falling again though the same blinding white light as before, but this time Jin is not there to catch you. You hit the ground with a loud thud as the air gets knocked from your lungs for the second time today. You slowly stand up seeing that you landed in the middle of the gallery this time.

"I thought there was a room before this one?"

Looking ahead you can see him the same marble statue, you start walking over to it. Before you get too far you can hear a faint whisper of the same soft velvety voice from your house.

"Do you know my name?"

You snap your head left to see a painting on a mirror. You slowly walk up to it being careful not to get too close.

"Uh hello? Please tell me you have hidden speakers in here or something Jin."

The whisper comes again but like its standing behind you. You can feel the warm breath on your ear and the air smells like a mix of peppermint and citrus.

"No speakers just us. . ." 



Hello all! Just a heads up the next couple chapters are going to be longer since we are getting into all the other painting.

Have fun and remember I purple you!

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