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You jolt awake and realize you slept through your alarms; with a groan you get up and look to see the guestroom door still closed. Walking downstairs you head into the kitchen. You start to brew a pot of coffee and pull out two mugs, setting them both down on the counter. While waiting for the coffee you jump up on the counter resting your elbows on your knees and place your head in your hands. You can hear the faint creaks and bends in the hardwood floors above you.

"Looks like we both are going to be late for work. . ."

Taking a deep breath, you have to muster all your strength to not cry again. Now that everything has set in you know deep down that last night was no dream. One of your closest childhood friends is gone. . . You will never hear his laugh in the market once you get off work anymore. No more running away from him so that you won't get stuck in a three-hour conversation about his 'babies' which are just his three cats he would kill anyone over. No more him trying his hardest to get the old group back together and have you mend your relationship with Chris. He is just gone and now in his place is another void you will never be able to fill. You snap your head up once you hear someone speak.

"Good morning. . . Thank you again for letting me crash here."

"No worries, Chris. I hope you would do the same for me. Are you going into Wings today?"

He pauses and takes a deep breath. "No, I called and said we both had other matters to handle today."

He sounds broken, like the whole world has just stopped. You can't blame him either, since you were all kids, Chris has always been the oldest. He was always the one to say he would protect the group no matter what, and now one of you is dead. You can tell he hardly slept with how purple his undereye are. When you spoke again, he didn't look at you.


"Uh yeah. . . Just straight black is fine."

"Okay. . . Hey Chris I'm going to start that gallery article today. I can't seem to remember much but the details I do can make up a good chunk."

"I don't want you to write about that anymore."

"What? Why, I don't get it."

He snaps his head over to look at you finally. He looks mad now, but at the same time like he's on the brink of tears.

"We just lost Minho last night and the only thing you can think of is the place he swore was killing the town!"

Just like a switch flipping, it was like the past came creeping back in. He never wanted to end your friendship but, in the end. . . you were the one to shut everyone out. Only Chris and his parents really knew what happened when you were a child. You hate talking about it and never intended to bring anyone else back into your circle of trust.

"Look Chris if this place really is what he said it was we have a right to warn everyone! Also, for spirits sake you sent me there last night to write. . . so what about my wellbeing as well huh! Not everything is under your golden thumb okay!"

"I never thought he would die okay! I always said I would be there, didn't I? You were the one who shut us out! *He pauses taking a deep breath* You know what I need to help Seungmin today I don't think he can lose anyone else right now. The article is canceled and that's final Y/N please just drop it."

"I can't do that Chris. . . He tried to warn me, and I owe it to him to get to the bottom of this."

He frowns and turns away walking to the front door. He opens it and walks out, ending all possibilities of resolving this. You jump off the counter forgetting about the coffee mug in your lap, it hits the floor and shatters. Making sure to not step on any of the shards you bend down to pick it up the pieces when you hear a faint whisper in your ear. Thinking Chris came back you quickly turn your head to see there was no one there.

"I must be hearing things. I swear I can't handle this today brain, please no more jokes."

Upon standing back up you see a white lily flower sitting on your kitchen counter with a small white card next to it. You blink a few times thinking you are just seeing things when it really is there. You pick the flower to look closer when while it is in your hand the color slowly starts turning a blood red, almost like it's still alive somehow. You look at the card and see that it is the same shape and size as the gallery invitation you got from Chris.

"This cannot be happening. . . "

You slowly reach out for the card looking at the words on it. They are written in the same ink as before but this time there is no red lily on the back. 'You never got to ask my name' were the only words written on it. Swiping your finger over the words do nothing this time, finally you release a breath you had been holding in when you hear the same voice again. It's soft and velvety and gives you the same chills you got from standing in front of the old Seo building.

"We are dying to meet you. Please return tonight . . . We need your help." 

You start breathing heavily and look all around for the voice thinking someone has broken in. Once seeing the whole house is empty you walk over and lock your front door. Walking over to the couch you pull out your laptop from its case and open a blank word document to start recalling the details you can remember. Everything is fuzzy still like a dream you can't recall.

"What was the curators name again. . . Kim Seok. . . Jin? I know everything was white but wait. . . There were other people there, right? I know someone else talked to me that night, but I can't remember who."

You can barely recall the paintings but know for sure you know someone was crying. There was also a boxer? The more you think about everything the hazier it becomes and the pounding in your head starts getting worse. You have typed only one paragraph as two hours have passed now making it 2pm. You hear a knock at the door and struggle to get up and move without getting dizzy. Once answering the door, you can only see another white gallery card witting on your door mat. Picking it up, you hurry back inside locking the door again. This time you see that it has a red lily on the back, and it is written in the same ink as before. 'We wish for you to return tonight to help with your article.' You run your finger over it and the words smudge like before showing one word only 'HELP'.

"Why was the first card different? I guess I have no choice but to go back tonight. I need to figure out what is going on." 

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