Toothless and (D/N) look at each other in concern for a moment before Toothless lightly paws at the cage as it lowers.

"The dragons don't care for cramped spaces, so they'll just hang out with you," Hiccup calls to the trappers as they continue to watch in bewilderment.

"They shouldn't be any trouble," (Y/N) adds, laughing softly as (D/N) shoves his nose between the bars with a huff.

Toothless roars and jumps in surprise with his wings stretched, (D/N)'s spikes becoming sharp as his tail flickers angrily at the men as they all aim their weapons at them.

"Unless you do that," Hiccup peeks out of the cage with a raised brow. "You know, wooden boat..."

"Big ocean..." (Y/N) adds as she pokes her head out.

"How--how is your swimming?" Hiccup questions with a raised brow and a smirk.

"... Not good," a trapper sheepishly responds in concern.

Eret exhales loudly in disbelief, looking towards the sky in annoyance.

They all jump with gasps as Hiccup raises his flame sword, melting off the lock and opening the trap door.

"Oops! Almost forgot," Hiccup lightly smacks his head. "You can't have armed prisoners!"

A trapper takes the flame sword as Astrid shakes her head.

"How is this a plan?"

(Y/N) smile reassuringly as she peeks out next to Hiccup.

"Just what every Dragon trapper needs," Hiccup advertises with a light voice. "A well made family sword and a sword of my own invention."

"Hey! Pick that up!" (Y/N) yells, causing Eret to jump and quickly pick up her blade that was on the ground. "I did mention it was an heirloom, right? Have some respect!"

Eret blinks in disbelief, Hiccup holding back a laugh before he notices a man messing with his sword.

"One end coats the blade in Monstrous Nightmare saliva," Hiccup explains as the man releases the gas from the sword, (Y/N) slowly ducking down. "The other sprays Hideous Zippleback gas. All it needs is a spark, and..."

Eret swiftly rushes away with wide eyes as a trapper obviously pushes a button on the handle, a spark releasing from the sword and causing the gas to explode as Hiccup ducks down.

"Oh, yeah. There you go!" Hiccup laughs, looking back out at the trappers, now covered in ash and scorch marks.

They cough as they inhale the smoke, Toothless rumbling as he starts playing with an ember floating in the air.

"Once they see you as one of their own, even the testiest dragons can be trained. Right guys?" Hiccup grins, (D/N) chittering in response as he lays down near the cage by (Y/N).

Eret shakes his head as he sets (Y/N)'s sword on a nearby table, grabbing Hiccup's blade from his men.

"Give me that," he growls, hurling it out to sea as Stormfly quickly chases it. "What game are you two playing?" Eret demands, glaring down at Hiccup and (Y/N).

"No game," (Y/N) shrugs, grinning as Stormfly drops Hiccup's sword by Eret.

"We just wanna meet Drago."

Eret looks down at the sword with a raised brow, grabbing it and throwing it to sea once more.


"Because we're going to change his mind about Dragons," Hiccup replies, Toothless sitting next to (D/N).

The men laugh, Eret looking down at the sword at his feet in disbelief as Stormfly eagerly wags her tail.

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