when someone flirts with them

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You stand behind Blake laughing as the flirter tries their luck with Blake, Blake will sometimes give you an irritated look and silently beg you to help her.

After you finish laughing you wrap your arm around Blake's waist and hold out your hand to the flirter as you introduced yourself as Blake's girlfriend.


Yang would turn down the flirter as she tells them that she's in a happy relationship. Everyone including yang except for velvet thought you be shy and just hold Yang's hand.

Except you would grab Yang's face and just kiss her as you would glare at the flirter.


Weiss would walk straight up to the flirter pointing at them as she holds your hand telling that she is your girlfriend and they should back off.

To stop Weiss from hurting the flirter you'd pick her up by her waist and carry her away you would also trip the flirter over with your tail and tell them not to flirt with Weiss ever again.


You get irritated when someone is too close to ruby but you don't feel it when she's with her team, friends or with the happy huntresses or winter.

When someone is flirting with ruby you knock them out with your shield and drag ruby away when you're far away from the flirter you'd hug ruby and bury your face into her shoulder holding her tightly.


You've never seen anyone flirt with winter but if anyone tried their luck with her you'd just walk next to her kissing her cheek and walk away as if you're going off somewhere.

Winter would blush and apologise to the flirter then leave to catch up with you holding your hand as you two go off somewhere.


You would have a smug smirk on your face as you walk up to Glynda running your finger along her jaw and whisper in her ear for her to follow you while completely ignoring the person who was flirting with Glynda.

Glynda would keep her stern face as she tries not to blush from what you did, she'll glare at the flirter then walk after you.


You'd glare at the flirter as you stood next to pyrrha, you would start drawing your weapon as you tried to walk closer to the flirter.

Pyrrha would just grab onto you telling you not to hurt the flirter as she just tells the flirter that your her girlfriend and that they should run before you hurt them.


You trust Nora and you don't really care if someone is flirting with her because she'd either become friends with them or she would hit them and that's when you'll step in say your her girlfriend and telling Nora not to hit the flirter.

Ren gets flirters away from Nora for you even after you told him he doesn't need to.


You'd walk up to raven kissing her cheek and hold her hand as you introduced yourself as her girlfriend, iris would also join in and yell at the flirter to get away from her other mama. Raven was secretly happy at iris's words.

Raven would also automatically turn down the flirter as she tells them she doesn't date weak people then kiss your cheek and take you on a date.


You will threaten to kill the flirter as lean in close to them glaring into their eyes.

If it was when you were undercover at beacon she'd gently push you away from the flirter and apologise for you just saying you're over protective. But if it was after you went undercover she'd just let you do your thing and make an illusion to hide the fact you probably did kill the flirter.


You'd just give the flirter a closed eyed smile as you tell them you're already in a relationship and very much in love with the person you're dating sometimes the flirter would want to see who you're dating to see if they can be better then them. You'd just wave at cinder and say hello to her who's standing behind the flirter.

Cinder would be standing behind the flirter with the maiden powers activated as she glares at the flirter giving them an option to either leave you alone or she'd kill them, no matter what they say cinder would kill them.


Some people don't flirt with neo since they think she's a child but on the off chance someone does flirt with her you'd interpret her sign language into words and tell the flirter that you're her girlfriend.

Or the other option is murder there's really no inbetween but you won't kill everyone who flirts with her because you don't want to get caught so you'd just threaten their life and tell them never to do it again.


No one flirts with illa since 9 out of 10 times you're near her and everyone knows how overprotective of illa you are so they do it since they don't want to face your wrath.

Everyone usually thinks you and illa are best friends they don't know you and illa make out when you're both alone.


You'd just laugh when someone flirts with penny since she'd just get confused since only you have really flirted with her so you would step in and introduce yourself as Penny's girlfriend.

Sometimes you'd trip the flirter when they walk away as payback for flirting with penny.


You would walk up to them with that super model stride as you would tell the flirter to get away from your girl.

When you get close enough you would hold an axe to the person's throat as you threaten them as Robyn just watched with her arms crossed with a smirk on her face then she would just tell you to leave the person alone. You two would walk off holding hands probably off on a date, kill Grimm or make out sometimes all three.

Salem doesn't let anyone flirt with her unless it's you, if there is a flirter she'd just get her Grimm to kill them.

But on the off chance you would threaten the flirter but the flirter would just laugh thinking you couldn't do anything since you're blind so you prove them wrong by kicking their ass Salem would also kill the person pissed because how dare they speak to you like that.


When someone tries to flirt with Willow whether it's someone foolish in your meeting trying there luck or to get of on willows good side but whoever it was that flirted with Willow you pointed at them and your workers took them away.
Hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

Peace out.

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