your semblance

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Your semblance is called, smoke screen, after you have inhaled smoke you can create a dome of smoke around you. Almost like May's semblance with how her dome can make her invisible.

May gifted you a pair of goggles for you to use for your semblance.


You have the same semblance as velvet, photographic memory. The semblance allows you to mimic other people's moves and fighting styles

Unlike your older sister you use your own weapon for your semblance. You're also able to use multiple fighting styles at once.


You call your semblance poison spectre, like vixens power from DC you can form a poison veil around your body or certain part of your body.

If you use a small bit of your semblance it forms what body part you're using but if using a big amount of your semblance it turns into a body part like the one of a Komodo Dragon. You don't melt or poison everything you touch sometimes you can use it for strength or climbing.


You unlocked you semblance when you were young but you don't know how to use it, it likes to go off randomly so you never used it unless it activated by itself.

Robyn and winter taught different fighting styles to make up for the lack of control of your semblance.


Your semblance is clairvoyance, you can see where someone is about to attack you by a red warning on the ground. Your semblance allows you to see if the attack is an arching attack or any others.


Threads, you can manipulate and control thin lines of threads, you used to rely on you semblance a lot when you where younger but now you use it sparingly.

You use the threads to control your axes when they far away from your body so you don't use the gravity dust often and who ever gets in the way of your threads get cut.


Your semblance is burning portals, it's a mixer of your mother's semblance and your sister Yang's semblance. You can use your portals to travel to people you've made a bond with and you can also make portals just around you to take the attack and deal back the damage.

At first you hated your semblance cause it remind you of your mother but when yang unlocked hers you started to use yours to help her with hers.


Like your old sister Harriet your semblance is super speed and like your sister your eyes also glow a different colour when you use your semblance.

When you were both younger Harriet and you would have races to see who was faster and she'd also help you on how to use your semblance better.


Your semblance is called blood tracker, your semblance allows you to track down to the greatest point of something, raven didn't know about your semblance until she misplaced her mask, you used your semblance to find it, she was greatly impressed.

Iris's semblance is devilish scream, she can let out a terrifying scream that can disclose anyone or anything from being close to the camp from people to Grimm.
(Look up Tasmanian Devil scream, that's what iris semblance is)


While your sister has scorching caress you have stone caress, like your sister you can form rock around your body parts and you can form your hammer out of nowhere from the rock like how cinder can do that with her swords.

Before you had your hammer you used to form rock over your hand and other parts of your body so you could fight along side your sister.


You can control plants though only small ones and vines. You hid your semblance from your family so they didn't know it was you who kept healing cinder and reduce the hoarseness of her throat after she got electrocuted. You kept a flower hidden in Cinder's room so it's there for you to help her.

Cinder found the flower one day and she never lets anyone near it or let you know she found it.


Your semblance is voice mimic which the name suggests you can mimic anyone's voice if you've heard them speak. This is why you and neo work so well together since she can change herself to anyone and you can voice anyone allows you both to really screw with your victims, especially when you both torture someone.

So you are really neo's voice


Your semblance is bulls rage, after you get hit a couple of times you go into a blind rage and your aura becomes sturdier as well, your eyes and iris's become full red. You've only used this as a last resort since it tries you out and you've been known to attack everything in sight.


Your semblance is clear mind, this allows you to clear everything from your head which allows you to be more perceived and allows you not to be influenced by or caught in any mental traps and you don't have limitations when your semblance is activated. Your eyes glow as well when in your semblance.

Your semblance doesn't activate when your extremely stressed or angry.


Your semblance is called burst, it allows you to release shockwaves from your hands, this works well with your axe since you can release it with great speed at your enemies. People have mistaken it for explosions but you don't release any explosions only shockwaves.

After using your semblance you like to say boom while smiling.


You don't have a semblance but you use magic but you haven't used it in awhile because it was starting to tire you out and every time you use magic or Salem or when someone uses their semblance there's a soft hum and it annoys you.


Again no one knows what your semblance is you're a very mysterious person to everyone but everyone knows about the multiple hotels you own and some people know about the shady businesses you deal in.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Peace out.

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