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"Just what in the name of fudge do you think you're doing??" My dumb twin stares at me like a dear caught in head lights. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." He says with a toothy grin. A very suspicious one at that.

"I swear to God Paul, if it's another prank, I'll end you." I say in the strangely cold voice I managed to learn how to do. I see him physically shudder and I grin in my mind. Works every time. "My life is very precious to me so I would never ever try to prank you." He says with a nervous smile.

"Oh really. You pranked me a month ago shithead." I say with narrowed eyes. "That was before we got to know our animals." He said whiles waving his hand around. Oh right, our animals. We got them last year a few weeks after our birthday.

The last bonfire we had, our animals decided to show up, so we had to move away. Guess our animals. We're wolves! I don't know if it's because we're twins but hey, I'm not complaining. I think it's the cause of the change in my behavior.

"Right, about that. When do you think we should tell them?" I say whiles moving towards the couch. "Whenever you want. I honestly don't mind telling them. Plus I have a feeling we're not the only ones with animals." He says then heads to the snack cabinet.

"Oh really?" "Mhm." After grabbing a pack of Cheetos,which Im definitely going to steal, he makes his way towards the couch as well but not before turning on the tv. He settles himself at the other end of the couch and I snatch the bag of Cheetos from him." Thank you." I say with a satisfied grin.

"Hey! Give it - ugh nevermind." He says with a frown then gets up to get another bag. After returning to the couch, he gives me one last look then holds the bag against his chest. So, what are we watching?" He says with a mouth full.

"Dude finish whatever's in your mouth before talking. Also, anime.  Duh" I throw him a look of disgust as he chews loudly. "I know but which one?" He says again with a mouth full, which causes pieces to fly out of his mouth.

"You eat like a pig." I say whiles scrunching my face. "You're a pig." He mumbles "What?" I ask him. "Nothing." He replies quickly. "Oh I know, let's watch Magic Battle." He says whiles grabbing the remote with his cheese coated fingers.

Someone really needs to teach this guy some eating manners. "Is it good?" "If I'm suggesting it,then it is." He said proudly. Which was true. He knows all the best anime's. He's like an anime geek. "Put it on then."



"Bro I need food." Paul says whiles looking at me. "You just finished three bags of Cheetos. How the fuck are you hungry??" "Well you're the one who called me a pig didn't you?" He said childishly. "I didn't call you a pig. I compared you to one. It's called simile you idiot." I say whiles rolling my eyes.

Am I the only one who knows English in this house? "Probably." My twin answered. "Did you just-" "Telepathy" he shrugged as he dusted the cheesy particles off himself. Oh right. A gift we share. Im still getting used to it.

"GUYS,I NEED YOU DOWN HERE!" Anna yells from downstairs. "You heard the woman. Up." I say as I exit the room."Wait for me!" He shouts as he picks himself off the couch and tries to catch up.

I roll my eyes and continue walking. As i descend the stairs, i notice that the others are also coming out of their rooms. In order to get my favorite seat, i practically sprint to it knowing i have two  other competitors. My dumb twin and my psycopath of a brother, aka, Jack.

Before i reach the fluffy armchair,  Jack jumps out of nowhere into it and flashes me a smirk. Asshole.

"Dont you dare leave me here! We're doing this together." Diana practically growls at Britt. I notice him physically shiver and move to her side quickly

She blows air out of her mouth with her eyes closed then opens them. "Guys. We have something to show you." She says. Then after sharing a look with Britt,she nods. What's going on?

"Amira Leonux!" Britt says bodly. His body falls to the ground and he lands on all fours. Fur start growing on his skin and he his hands and legs to animal legs.

In about a minute the transformation ends and before us stands a leopard. Gasps fill the room and i quickly turn my heads towards Paul's direction. I guess i was right after all. He nods in agreement as a smile of amusement settles on his face.

"Hi. Im Leo."

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