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"WHAT IN THE NAME OF ACTUAL FUCK!!!" A fuming pink haired man stormed into the living room with only a towel wrapped around his slender waist. The entire room was filled with laughter at the sight. "You look like smoke could come out of your ears any moment from now."

A brother remarked as he laughed uncontrollably at the red faced Mr. "Why the shit is my hair pink?!?!" He bellowed. Everyone  knew the one thing Paul did not joke about was his shampoo.

Another thing they knew was how much he hated the color pink. This was the best revenge she had had on him in years. "You-" as if things weren't bad enough, right when he was about to take a step forward,the towel that loosely clung to his waist dropped, revealing him in all his glory. His face was now a mix of anger and embarrassment as he turned a shade of red unknown to humanity.

Their laughs became even louder, Harry falling off the couch due to his uncontrollable laughter. The poor guy had never ran so fast in his life. Unfortunately, his room was upstairs. As he literally dashed up the stairs, some of the maids shamelessly stared at him in awe of how large he was.

After everyone had calmed down, Asher rose from his seat "I'll go check up on him." He left before anybody could give a comment.

"High five sis. That was the best revenge ever! I've wanted to get back at him for so long." Harry excitedly slapped palms with his sister. "Do you think he's okay though?" "Oh he's fine. Diana waved off her brother.

She turned to her youngest brother, who for the first time was laughing carefreely and actually mingling with them.  Shawn Carmichael was different from all his siblings. Sure, all of them were unique but this boy was a special case. To say the boy was shy was an understatement.

He refused to mingle with everything that breathed and walked on two legs or in other words, humans. Even his own siblings except Diana. Why? You may ask.

No one knew. Yes, he was a twin but the difference between them was like the distance between the sun and Pluto. And it drove them even further apart. While Shawn was quiet, reserved and calm, Paul was the exact opposite. He was loud, obnoxious, mischievous and simply too annoying. They hated each other's guts. Or at least that's what everyone thought.

Back in Paul's room, he was fully dressed and pacing like a nervous parent. "Did she have to go this far? It's my hair we're talking about bro, my hair!!"

The boy loved his hair more than anything. Including himself. He never understood why, infact no one did. He just really did. "It's not so-" "And that too pink?! Of all the fucking colors in this planet she chose pink?!" He cut Asher as he continued rambling.

Annoyed at his brother's behavior,he snapped. "Shut the hell up and listen up you dumb brat. It's only dye,it'll fade out eventually. Plus all this was kinda called for. I mean, after all the pranks you've pulled, what did you expect? An award? Besides, of all the pranks you've performed you're really letting such a little one get to your head? Also-" he pulled his brother to the full length mirror that displayed their reflections "it's not so bad. And dare I say it, it kinda makes you look cute."

The older one scrunched up his face after the compliment. He wasn't one to give off compliments, especially not to this egoistic brat. Paul was in a grey oversized adidas hoodie and matching shorts.

"Well......" He ran a hand through his hair that he had grown out. "If you look past it's brightness and girliness.....I guess it's not so bad."

Luckily,he was handsome and unfortunately,he knew he was. He had a gunshot on his left brow and an ear piercing on his right ear which made him him give off the bad boy vibe, which was exactly what he was aiming at.

"Yeah, like those k-pop- " "Don't you dare." He glared at his brother. If there was anything he wanted to look like, it was definitely not a kpop star."

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