Wink (and im yours)

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By @ Talía (Stimemia) on ao3

Wink (and I'm yours)

Percy is going out of his damn mind.

Not because of assignments or exams. That's all just part of the university experience; background noise compared to his real problem. He's not even mad about the whole 'living in a dorm' part. But there's one thing, one thing, that makes him go out of his mind.

And that thing, is not even really a thing to begin with.

It's a girl. And that girl.

Is Annabeth Chase.

She'd strolled into Intro to Ancient Greece 101 on the first day and sat down right next to him with a shy smile, acting coy, blushing whenever the teacher called on her, but always having the right answer, avoiding eye contact until Percy himself felt like he was doing something wholly wrong to this unsuspecting, innocent girl.

Of course, he wasn't. No, because the very next day, she wore a short pink skirt with a frilly white blouse. Short enough that Percy could see the very tops of her thighs when she sat down. She winked at him when her skirt lifted just a tad and he could not stop staring.

Her meticulous notes were written in a beautiful flowery handwriting, that really shouldn't have been able to be written as fast as it was, unmistakable from any other Percy had ever seen thanks to the way she crossed her T's. They were colour coded and section divided and Percy would be envious of her organisation skills if he could concentrate on anything but the way her skirt seemed to ride up every time she moved.

He hasn't been able to stop staring at her.

Whenever class ends, she always bends over next to him to gather her things in her bag, giving Percy a front row seat to pink or blue or, God forbid, red panties.

It drives him insane and hence the 'going out of his mind' statement is formed.

But the way she smirks when she looks at him as she tosses her long, blonde hair over her shoulder, the way she winks and leans close to whisper goodbye to him when she leaves the class makes Percy think that she knows exactly what she's doing to him. Just waiting for him to snap.

He's so close.

He wants to fuck her across the table while their whole class is looking. He wants to make her scream in the library. He wants to take her home and make her see stars.

Wants her pinned against the doorway of his room, showing off the way he'll be able to make her scream to the whole hall, wants her to keen and moan, wants to rip apart those frilly skirts and sinful crop tops. Wants to feel her tremble around him, hear her call his name.

He imagines that she isn't wearing underwear underneath her skirts and dresses. Especially that short pink one he's seen oh so many times. She must know what it does to him, that he can see the very tops of her thighs as she sits down beside him.

She's an angel and a devil in one big, beautiful package.

And he can't get enough of her.

But fuck, he also wants her to meet his mom. He wants to wake up next to her, doesn't even think he'll mind getting hair in his face.

But one Friday afternoon, she doesn't show up.

He asks around, talks to whoever he thinks are her friends, but all they do is point him in the direction of her dorm room.

And so, he knocks. Can't believe she's been living in the same building as him for over six months and he's never seen her.

She opens, wearing a bright yellow dress, a little longer than her usual, with white dots. Her hair is up in a high ponytail and as she leans against the door frame, she says, "So, Percy. Finally going to do something about that staring of yours?"

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