Ribbons and Lace

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Greenconverses on ao3

The amount of deliberation and detail Annabeth Chase puts into every one of her outfits manages to astound Percy on a regular basis. Considering he regularly gets dressed by rolling out of bed and picking up whatever piece of clothing on floor doesn't smell or have too many holes in it, the idea of assembling an outfit the night before or with a theme in mind is as alien of a concept as they come. He's in college; he doesn't need to look nice to suffer through English class.

But Annabeth is a girl who enjoys her fashion and, even though it will never be something Percy understands, he is fervent admirer of how great she looks in those clothes. It was one of the things that drew him to her in the first place - her impeccable, prim appearance had begged to be mussed and untucked and pulled off, and he'd needed to be the one to do it. He's learned to careful in subsequent mussing sessions, though; Annabeth's a straight up priss if Percy manages to ruin parts of her outfit in his haste to get it off her, and there's only so many times he can make her come before she stops complaining about her torn stockings.

She chooses every piece for a reason, however ridiculous and minute it might be to him, and her enthusiasm for it can be catching. Not enough to get him to let her redo his wardrobe (the first thing she's going to toss are his ratty motorcycle boots, he knows it), but he kinda gets a warm, mushy feeling in the deep parts of his chest that makes him want to kiss her and burrow into the sofa with her when she talks about it.

Annabeth's an incredibly fashionable dork, but a dork all the same, and Percy wouldn't adore her half as much as he did if she wasn't.

Today, the centerpiece of her outfit has to be the lacy black bow in her hair, though he can't imagine why she's chosen it. It's the darkest piece of clothing she's worn in days; Annabeth has worn nothing but different shades of pinks, reds, and whites in honor of Valentine's Day so far this month. It's disgustingly cute, and aside from the bow, she's continued that pattern with a pink shirt dress that is giving him all sorts of dirty ideas. Ideas that he helpfully whispers in her ear as Mr. Brunner drones on about the research papers that are due at the end of the month. She glares at him and he returns it with a wink, giving her a bow a playful tug, and pulls away, leaving her to squirm in her seat, cheeks flaming.

It's not until later, when they're back at Annabeth's dorm, and he has her bent over the edge of her bed, pulling that dress down her legs that he gets the connection.

"You would have panties with bows on them, Chase," he says, taking a moment to appreciate the sight of Annabeth's ass in the lace black thong with it's little pink bow on top. He smooths his hands over her bare cheeks, licking his lips with anticipation and wishing he'd decided against wearing the skinny jeans today.

"Is that judgement or admiration I hear in your tone, Percy Jackson?" she asks, getting on to her knees. She glances over her shoulder at him and giving him a sultry smile.

"Admiration," he replies, dropping a kiss on the base of her spine, just above that pretty bow, before moving his mouth up notch by notch. "Definitely admiration."

His fingers settle over her lace covered center and begin to rub in slow circles. Annabeth's breath hitches and her hips rock back against him, urging him on.

"You," she begins, swallowing heavily and laying her head in her arms, "you better not tear this pair, Percy, or so help me..."

"Wouldn't dream of it, babe," he says, nipping playfully at her shoulder. He dips his thumb under the lace, dragging it through her slick folds until he reaches the nub of her clit. Annabeth's back arches when he begins to circle it, her legs spreading wider for him. "Not when they make your ass look this good. And when you went through all the trouble to coordinate with your hair bow, too."

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