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Goodgodwhy on ao3

She had hoped it could be a one off, she never slept with anyone more than once and especially not some guy from her High School but unfortunately Percy was an incredible lay and after the library incident the other day, it was nearly impossible to stay away from him.

She did try though, she really did, she lasted five whole days, and honestly, she deserved an award for that, because he did not make it easy for her. Granted two of those days were during the weekend, so she wasn't forced to see him, but the next few days of abstinence were truly impressive. She was pretty sure he knew exactly what he was doing. It was the way he would smirk and give her sly glances as he walked by in the halls, like he was reveling in the secret between them and loving just how desperate she was to repeat it.

The first day back at school, she saw him leaning against his locker, looking absolutely sinful with his hat smashed over his messy hair and his bright eyes shining. She had never much cared for leather jackets on guys, it always felt like a failed attempt at being dark and mysterious, but good God if Percy didn't look incredible in his, with his light brown pants matching perfectly to complete the whole look.

Apparently walking clichés didn't apply to him. He was the embodiment of a skater boy with some edge, in his dark attire and silver jewelry, but it worked on him without feeling completely derivative. It also didn't hurt that his broad shoulders filled out the jacket like it had been tailored specifically for his body.

Her head swivelled as she walked by, trying to keep her eyes on him for as long as possible. She almost said, 'fuck it' and turned around, but Nico and Will happened to pass by in front of her, blocking Annabeth's view of Percy and it broke the spell before she did anything stupid.

"I get it," Nico whispered on his way by.

"What?" she asked confused, still slightly dazed.

"The new guy. I get it, he's hot," Nico explained.

"Hey," Will pouted indignantly as Annabeth's cheeks warmed.

Nico pulled his boyfriend closer, "don't worry, he's not really my type, but I can see the appeal."

Will smiled and glanced over at Percy, "okay fine, we all have a little crush on him."

Annabeth felt like she should say something, deny it, but she couldn't find her voice. She only managed to shake her head and the boys both gave her pitying looks like they didn't believe her for a second, before moving on their way

The next morning, she spotted Percy entering the school as she pulled into the parking lot. He stood out in the crowd with the red bandana tied around his hair, probably to help with sweating in the sweltering weather. They had been hit by a sudden heat wave, so he had opted to wear fewer layers than normal. He was in just a simple black t-shirt and pants, but somehow it all came together to look incredible on him, anyway. His sleeves were short, and his tattoo which always took her breath away, was on display.

She wanted to run her hands over it again, trail her nails along the defined lines of his forearms and trace the veins down into his fingers. As he walked up the steps, she stared at his ass which was unfairly nice for a guy. She remembered how she had gripped at it while he pumped into her, trapping him inside her so he could shoot his load and fill her with incredibly fulfilling warmth.

She was forced look away from Percy when she nearly ran over her friends who were waiting to greet her at her parking spot. When she glanced back, he was gone, and her heart was beating out of her chest. She got out her car and gave them a sheepish smile as an apology.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," she told them.

Frank and Hazel waved her off, but Piper zeroed in on her and grabbed her arm.

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