Your Voice, That Touch, This Night, Got Me Higher Than The Skyline

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A/N: (😏😉) First things first, we DO NOT KINK SHAME HERE!!!! HOWEVER. I DID have a little chuckle when I found this. If it's your 'thing,' more power to you, if it's not, there's more stories in this book, you are more than welcome to. That being said, enjoy.

By @Hazardousstorm on ao3

Annabeth bites the inside of her cheek as she looks at the variety of options CVS has for chips. She could get Doritos (the true classic for movie night), Cheetos (her personal favorite), Tostitos (Percy's favorite), or something completely new (like Sun Chips). It's a struggle every time they do movie night at her place, since she doesn't have an infinite stock of Sally Jackson's amazing cookies, but she would hate to ask Percy to bring food when she's hosting.

EDM lightly blares through her bluetooth earbuds as she thinks, the store is only slightly busy despite being a Saturday morning thanks to the fact its main demographic is college students that think 10 am is early. Not that she's much better usually, but today she forced herself up to clean and do a snack run before Percy came over around noon.

As she stares at the chip selection of this corner convenience store just off campus, her phone suddenly starts to play A Decade In Blue by Eiffel 65. Without even looking, she answers the call with a tap on her earbud. "I'm surprised you're up, Perce." She chuckles. "I'm at CVS right now grabbing snacks, what's up."

On the other end of the line, she can hear Percy breath a little heavily, which immediately brings a frown to her face. After a second, his voice comes through, and does nothing to ease her worry. "Hey... Um... I- Shit, sorry I don't know how to ask this..."

Annabeth puts down the Doritos she was about to buy, and already starts to head towards the exit, ignoring everything else she had planned to buy. "Are you okay? What's up Percy? I'm on my way."

"Wha- Annabeth I'm fine." Percy sighs, and Annabeth can practically hear his eyes roll. But the sigh is more strained than it should be, so Annabeth's need to protect her boyfriend doesn't die down. Of course, it doesn't help that he's an adorable little omega that her alpha heart has longed for since freshman year of high school, and that she's only grown closer to since they started dating a year ago. Regardless of what he says, even over the phone she knows he's not his usual self. He groans, though this time it is closer to his usual exasperation. "I promise. Don't go storming over here just for me."

As if she hit a wall, Annabeth stops mid stride, already half a block towards his apartment. She really has got to calm down when it comes to her protectiveness over him. "Right..." She takes a breath and forces herself to calm down. He hasn't even said he's in trouble, or that he wants her help. "So. What'd you wanna ask me?"

There's a long pause, long enough for Annabeth to wonder if he walked away from his phone, before he finally sighs again. "Can we do today at my place? It'll probably be easier that way..."

The thought immediately deepens the frown on Annabeth's face. Such a last minute change of plans never sits right with her, and he knows that. "What's up Percy? Why do you wanna host today, you hosted last week." She moves to lean against a wall to let the variety of people that are up and walking around this early pass by.

"Nothing's up." He laughs, clearly nervously from what Annabeth can tell. She knows that laugh. It's the laugh he's had his entire life, the one Annabeth has heard countless times enough to know he's lying through his teeth. Not only that, but he doesn't want to be lying but doesn't know how to speak his mind.

Time to go about things a different way. Annabeth keeps her voice calm and steady, hopefully helping calm him down a little. "Okay... Well, how 'bout I come over now and we just start watching a bit early?" And maybe he'll be able to talk a bit easier in person.

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