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Percy was honestly shocked. A whole month later and he had somehow managed to remain at Goode without getting expelled.

He supposed it was much easier to avoid trouble when you evaded human interaction, entirely. The peace and quiet had been a pleasant change although he had to admit, he missed some of the action that he was accustomed to. Percy had a habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, so he certainly didn't miss getting yelled at and blamed for things he didn't do, he just wanted something to happen, anything. Since he refused to speak to anyone, his days were exceptionally boring. He still didn't really see the point in getting to know the other students. He wasn't at all convinced that he and his mom would be sticking around for much longer. He kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. The only reason that he had lasted this long without issue was because his mom had implored to make it work, and he hated disappointing her more than anything.

And maybe his avoidance in making any real connections, wasn't entirely due to the fact that he thought that he would be moving again in a few months. It may have also been due in part to the lasting scars that Gabe had left on him, figuratively and literally. Trust didn't come easily to him, because opening up to people was the exact reason that he and his mom had ended up in the situation they were in now. They had believed that Gabe was a good person, they had let him into their home, and he had caused irrevocable damage. Percy didn't plan on making that mistake again.

Thus, his days were fairly uneventful without anyone to talk to. He didn't go to any of the parties, he didn't attend the sport games or pep rallies. He recognized a few people, the boyfriends he met on his first day, and that kid Grover who always seemed to be around, but he hadn't spoken to any of them.

He just went to school, slept through most of his classes, and then helped his mom at work. Since she was convinced that this was their permanent home, she had finally fulfilled her dream of starting a café. It was slow going, and it took her some time to get everything set up and find a location she liked, but they had finally opened their doors a couple weeks ago. He did what he could, taking shifts for a few hours, right after his last class of the day, but he couldn't say it was exactly the most thrilling line of work.

His sole source of entertainment were his Saturday mornings at the skatepark where he taught a small group of kids. It had been accident. He had gone to check out the ramps and practice a few tricks when they had come up to him begging him to show them how he did one of his flips. He had obliged with a humbled smile, and since then, he had been returning at the same time, every weekend. They were good kids, and it gave Percy an excuse to get out of bed at a reasonable hour.

The only other thing, or rather person, that made his days anything but tediously bland, was the perfection that was Annabeth Chase. She continued to intrigue and enthrall him. She was definitely a controlling perfectionist with a superiority complex, like he had originally thought, but that just drew him to her even more. Her nose was always firmly raised in the air as she walked through the halls looking more and more heavenly every day.

He did notice however that she may not have been quite as cold as he had initially thought. He watched her joke with her friends, cracking smiles that made his stomach flutter uncomfortably, and she was much nicer than he gave her credit for. When he walked into class one day to see her sitting next to Grover, rather than her typical group of friends, he had almost tripped over his feet. She had looked up and given him an unimpressed once over before resuming her conversation. The two chatted like old friends while she pointed down at her paper, explaining concepts to him. They were an odd pair, with Annabeth being the queen of the school and Grover being seemingly friendless. It went against the whole concocted image that he had created of her in his head.

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