OIS: Jealousy, Jealousy

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Goodgodwhy on ao3

The music was loud, reverberating off the walls noisily, and making the whole room shake. People were chatting and dancing and drinking, but she just stood in the kitchen, seething.

Annabeth's fingers started to cramp from how tightly she was gripping her red solo cup, which crinkled beneath her grasp. Her eyes hadn't been able to look away from the outline of Percy's form across the crowded room as he stood crouched, speaking to some girl.

Two weeks. It had been two weeks since she last saw her boyfriend and she had been waiting impatiently for this night for entirely too long. She had been busy with an assignment, and then he had to go out of town with his mom, and the time had dragged on, and suddenly it had been two full weeks.

He arrived around four in the afternoon, today, after her last class, and she made sure to be ready for him. She had worn one of her more 'suggestive' outfits in preparation of finally seeing him. She carefully picked out the short, checkered skirt and ripped tights along with a loosely buttoned blouse all with the singular goal of making him lose his mind. Two fucking weeks since she had last been with him.

When he had shown up outside her dorm that Friday, in his mom's car, wearing grey pants and a simple wifebeater which showed off his strong arms, she had almost said 'fuck it' to their lunch plans and pulled him inside, which was temptingly empty of a roommate for the weekend. His jaw had been satisfyingly on the floor when he opened the door and first laid his eyes on her. Unfortunately for both of them, they had a reservation which could not be moved, so they were forced to drop off his bags and go, no touching at all.

They did allow themselves to share one heated kiss, when she sprinted to him and leapt into his arms, her legs bracketing his hips as they embraced.

They agreed to put aside their desire for the rest of the day as they caught up. They walked around her campus, hand in hand, chatting about everything they hadn't already said over the phone, and then enjoyed a meal together for the first time in forever. When they were done eating, her temptation to take him back to her bed once again rose up inside her, but she had promised her friends that they would drop by their house party, so with resignation, she and Percy both continued to hold themselves back from each other.

When they arrived, she introduced Percy to Silena, Clarisse and Thalia, whom she had met in her Calculus 101 course. That had been an interesting interaction, to say the least. Silena had gushed and asked them a million questions, already deeply invested in their relationship despite only having known Annabeth for like 5 weeks.

Clarisse and Thalia on the other hand, had done their weird yet amusing back and forth with Percy, as she rolled her eyes.

"So," Thalia said with a smirk, "Peter. Can I call you Peter?"

"Uh, I-" Percy began.

"If that even is your real name," Clarisse accused.

"It's not," Percy answered with a grin, looking back and forth between the two women, clearly confused but entertained, nonetheless.

"So, Patrick, how are you?" Thalia continued.

Percy shrugged, obviously accepting his fate, "good, nice party you have here."

Clarisse nodded appreciatively, "thank you Pablo," she said genuinely, despite the fact that they were still joking around.

That exchange continued to go on for a little too long, until Percy, Thalia and Clarisse were all laughing together, looking like one of the strangest trios Annabeth had ever seen. She and Silena just watched on in enjoyment.

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