032; you leaked it

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THE MORNING AFTER THE PARTY, AFTER a night alone in the apartment, Evie had decided upon heading to the studio to check in on her best friend, where she had left her late last night after being asked to.

With a bag of food to her hand to assure herself that Kate would have some kind of food in her system, she walked into the building and down the hall, passing Why Don't We's room and glancing in as she did so, the five of them present.

As she approached Kate's room, the door was wide open and she was no where to be seen, causing Evie to furrow her eyebrows before continuing down the hallway to the next known place.

Down a set of stairs and past a few more doors, Evie opened the set of double doors that opened up to a rehearsal space, her eyes instantly shifting to Kate sat in the middle of it with a handful of scattered pages around her and her notebook and pen, a guitar in her hands while she stared down at them.

"Been here all night?" Evie asked, causing the girl to jump and look over at her, present dark circles under her eyes, "hungry?"

"You didn't need to come looking for me." She replied, turning her head back to her notes as Evie let out a small sigh, walking into the room as the door closed behind her.

"You probably haven't eaten," Evie said, standing beside her and placing the bag beside the girl, "and you probably haven't spoken to anyone either, it's a check in."

"Mhm," Kate nodded, playing a few notes on her guitar before grabbing her pencil and scribbling onto the paper.

Evie watched her with a small smile before she turned back around, heading back towards the door to leave Kate in peace again.

"Can you stay?" Kate interrupted their silence, looking over at Evie's back while she came to a stop, "...only if you're free."

A smile grew on Evie's face before she let it fall and turned back around, "I can stay."

"You sure?"

"Absolutely," she nodded, "what do you need?"

"I've got snacks in my studio and there's a coffee machine and what not down the hall, you can use my mug, help yourself." Kate told her, "and if you get cold I have a blanket."

"Okay." Evie smiled, "how are things going with the writing and stuff?"

"I scrapped that other song." Kate huffed, watching Evie sit down beside her while tilting her head, "the unreleased one."


"He leaked it." Kate frowned, "I really wanted to release it."

"You can still release it." Evie gave her a small smile.

"But it won't be the same." Kate shrugged, "he kind of ruined it, I think he started those rumours too."


"I know you don't believe me, that's common with people but I'm so sure, I just want some kind of confirmation." She frowned, "he's the only person that has ever spoke about those kind of rumours before anyone actually saw them."

"Asshole," Evie rolled her eyes, "think your type in guys is just bad."

"I'm aware." Kate said through a small laugh.

"...I'm gonna go get a tea, do you want one?"

"No thanks, I'll continue with this."

"Okay." She replied, standing up and making her way towards the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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