014; just punch me back

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evie<3hey are you coming back today?

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hey are you coming back today?

i'd like to hang out and talk i'm feeling
a little lonely in our place by myself



"WE DON'T NEED- WE DON'T NEED A FAKE ID." Kate shook her head, a slur in her words as she sat herself down on Isaac's lap, the boy's arms immediately going around her, "i'm sure nothing is just enough."

"What are you guys talking about?" Isaac frowned.

"She's been rambling on about so many things," Will shook his head, "the girl is absolutely gone."

"I'm right here," she furrowed her eyebrows and placed her hand on her chest, "I am real and I am here."

"You are real." Isaac gave her a nod.

"She can't walk," Caleb shook his head, "and she keeps threatening to punch every girl who stares at her."

"I'm so strong," she shrugged, her head falling onto Isaac's shoulder whilst she placed a few kisses on his neck.

"You're drunk Kate," Isaac moved his head away from her, "don't do that."

"I love you so much," her eyes widened, grabbing ahold of his face while she stared at him, "you're like.. this is- hello."

"Hi." He smiled, "you're very drunk."


"Mhm." He nodded.

"I just want to kiss you," she frowned, undoing the top three buttons on his shirt as his head turned towards Will and Caleb.

"She just wants to kiss you," Will shrugged with a smile.

"I only had a few drinks," Kate looked at them with an offended look, placing her hands on her hips as Caleb held his hands up in defence, "i'm completely and- i didn't even- you guys need to shush."

"Sorry Kate," Will nodded, "i'll shush."

"My bad Kate." Caleb shook his head, "sorry I let you down."

"Maybe it's time you took a nap." Isaac looked at her, a slight concerned look on his face as he sighed, "it's almost two, we should leave."

"The party is just getting started," she shrugged, "we need to stay."

"You need to sleep," he raised his eyebrows, his arms wrapping around underneath her before he stood up with her still in his arms.

"I can walk," Kate told him, being let out of his grip while immediately losing balance of her feet, "bye guys, have fun without me."

"It'll be hard," Caleb sighed, "have a good sleep."

"Life of the party is going, i'm so upset." Will tilted his head, "Good night Kate."

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