013; i heard about the rumours

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"THIS IS NICE," ISAAC SAID AS HE SAT OPPOSITE Kate in the middle of a restaurant, the girl completely ignoring him as she stared at her phone, "Kate."


"A dinner without your fucking phone would be nice," Isaac told her as she immediately looked up from her screen, "what's so important?"

"My manager was texting me," she frowned, turning her phone off as she moved it to one side before he raised his eyebrows and sighed.

"Why is your manager suddenly more important than me?" Isaac asked her as she continued to stare at him confused.

"...he was just asking about tomorrow i don't-"

"Just put your phone away and actually be interested in our meal," he told her, "I take you out for this nice dinner and you can't even look up from your phone."

"I'm the one paying for it." Kate tilted her head.

"It was my idea," he raised his eyebrows as Kate just nodded and shrugged it off, immediately watching him let out a sigh before he smiled, "did you like your pasta?"

"It was fine." She shrugged, her mood now immediately changed with more tense body language, scratching the back of her neck and Isaac gave her a nod.

"I was thinking of going to this party tomorrow night, do you want to come?" He asked as he grabbed his drink, "Will and Caleb are coming and I don't really want to go without you."

"Are you going to drink?" Kate furrowed her eyebrows, "because you said you haven't touched a drink in months so.. what are you going for?"

"Just to hang out with some people, I'm not going to drink." He shook his head, "I told you i'm completely sober now, the thought of alcohol weirds me out but you can continue to be the alcoholic you are."

"That's a very misleading term." Kate corrected him.

"You drink more than enough."

"I drink at parties or when I go out for celebrations like birthdays." Kate explained, "but anyway, yeah i'll come with you guys."

"Cool, have you spoke to Evie yet?"

"No." Kate mumbled, "she probably wants some space from me, I'll speak to her tomorrow when I go back."

"There isn't really any point of you going back tomorrow if you're just coming to a party with me." Isaac explained as Kate sighed, "and another night away might help her, just stay with me again."

"You two are very different anyway," he continued and glanced up at her, "you still hang out with her?"

"From time to time."

"Maybe you two are outgrowing each other."

"I don't think so."

"I think so." Isaac folded his arms as Kate gave him a small nod, a quick raise of her eyebrows before glancing around the restaurant.

And as they sat in silence for a few minutes, Isaac soon called a waiter over to ask for the bill, giving them a smile as they walked away before he turned to the girl opposite him.

Once they were given the bill and left to decide what to do with it, Isaac looked at the total before he glanced up to Kate, watching her sigh and grab her bag.

"I need your card," he smiled slightly, receiving no reply as she slid her card across the table and gave him a nod, "thanks."

"I'm going to wait outside I need some fresh air." She told him, grabbing her bag and standing up while he nodded and shrugged.

With Isaac turning back to the bill, Kate rolled her eyes as she headed out of the restaurant for the evening in attempt to give herself a small break from the guy she was still yet to spend another two nights with.

Yet, as she left the building and stood to the side of it, her alone time was immediately interrupted by Fletcher walking up to her with his camera, causing her to force a small smile.

"Kate," he smiled, "how's it going?"

"Good, I just came for dinner with a friend." Kate shrugged before nodding.

"I heard about the rumours of your very first song being one you stole from a friend and made it your own.. is that true? Can you confirm?" He asked as Kate stood there with a confused stare, her eyebrows furrowed as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"...No?" She tilted her head, "no that was entirely me."

"A lot of people have been saying the first few songs you put out were ones you stole and claimed as your own," he explained as Isaac walked out of the restaurant, standing beside Kate as he glanced to the camera man.

"No they're my own." Kate shook her head and laughed slightly, "all from personal experiences so I don't know where that rumour came from."

"Okay, can I-"

"Have a good night man," Isaac interrupted his question, his hand placed on Kate's back whilst guiding her away from the man as he let out a sigh.

"...he wasn't finished."

"I was." He shrugged, handing her card back to her, "what did he ask?"

"Some rumour someone started." Kate told him, "about stealing songs, not sure where it came from."

"Rumours are a waste of time anyway." Isaac said, opening the car door for her as she nodded, "it's better if you don't even address them."

"Can't do that in the music industry." Kate mumbled, getting into the car as the boy rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut, soon walking over to his side as he got into the car.

"Well a lot of people in the music industry think they can take any girl they want," he raised his eyebrows, "they think they're better than everyone else."

"You had one bad experience with one guy." She looked at him.

"That guy ruined our relationship." Isaac argued, "I don't want to talk about him, he's out of our lives now and I don't want to see him ever again."

"He wasn't even-"

"If I do see him again I think I might kill him," Isaac said, noticing Kate suddenly go quiet as she stared at him, "what?"

"Right," she mumbled, folding her arms and turning herself to the car window.



heheh a rumourrrr

what do we think bffs

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