018; stop with the rumours

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"GO SEE EVIE TONIGHT." CORBYN SAID AS HIM AND Kate sat in his car, finishing up their conversation before going into the studio to ignore each other for the day.

"I'm having dinner with her." Kate nodded, grabbing her bag and turning to look at him, "what are your plans?"

"Studio, all night." He smiled, "finishing the song."

"When can I listen to it?"

"When it's released."

"That's unfair." Kate frowned as Corbyn shook his head.

"It's the rules." He folded his arms, "you can't listen until it's out, you'll know who it's about as soon as you hear it."

"Okay," she mumbled, watching him nod while a smile was stuck on her face, "...I better go and work on some music."

"Okay," he sighed, "text me."

"Kiss me." Kate furrowed her eyebrows as Corbyn rolled his eyes and laughed slightly, "what?"

"No." He turned away from her, "anyone could see that."

"Just one."

"You said that last time."

"I mean it this time."

"You promise?"

"...no." She sighed, "do you not like my kisses? Is that what this is?"

"I hate your kisses." Corbyn turned back to her as he leant over the middle console, giving her a smile while her eyes flicked between his eyes and lips, "I missed you."

With the girl's smile slowly fading as Corbyn leant closer in, Kate quickly took a small gulp before she moved away from him as he looked up at her, "we need to keep it a secret, really."

"Okay." The boy softly spoke, "text me."

"Okay." She gave him a nod, "See you later."

"Have a good day, Kate." Corbyn said, watching her get out of his car and head into the building, allowing a few minutes between their entrance to avoid any suspicions being created.

And as Kate headed up to her studio space with a small frown on her face, the world she was in with her own thoughts was soon interrupted by an arm being wrapped around her.

"Are you not going to address the rumours?" Isaac spoke up, the pair walking into her studio space while she turned to face him.

"What rumours?"

"About us." He shrugged, "Kate i've been trying to get you to go on a date for weeks and you-"

"What was said?" She asked him, "I haven't been online at all."

"Can you just confirm that we're a thing?" Isaac threw his arms up in frustration, "because someone has spread something about you having all these issues and that's making you sleep around."

"What?" Kate said through a small laugh, "if you know it's a rumour why are you so pissed off? And what issues?"

"Daddy issues," Isaac replied as her laugh died down, "If you're not going to go on a date I'll just ask right now."

"I don't understand what you're-"

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Isaac asked her, interrupting her sentence while she stared at him blankly for a few moments.

Her arms fell to her side as she watched Corbyn walk past her studio door, moving her eyes back to Isaac while she subtly shrugged, an awkward smile on her face to try ease the silence between them as Isaac was growing heavily impatient.

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