023; give me my love back

829 44 11


EVIE AND KATE WERE BOTH IN THEIR KITCHEN that morning in a small moment of silence, each doing their own thing and getting ready for the day at their own pace.

Kate was already dressed and ready to leave for the studio, prepping herself a breakfast to take along her walk to the building while Evie sat at the kitchen island with a coffee by her side, scrolling through her phone.

"Have you seen these tweets?" Evie frowned while staring at her phone screen, glancing up to Kate who had been cutting up an avocado while shaking her head.

"You're only talking to people in the music industry to get more fame and have a hook up," the girl read out one of the tweets, watching Kate furrow her eyebrows and pause.

"I'm not talking to anyone in the music industry," she replied, "except Corbyn, but we've kept that secret."

"Then it's just a rumour." Evie shrugged, "a rumour everyone is talking about, this is a lot. They're basically calling you a slut, Kate."

"I wish I cared more," she sarcastically replied, suddenly deciding to leave the avocado in the fridge and grab her shoes from beside the front door.

"All the rumours that are ever said about you recently have nothing to do with your music," she said, "are you sure someone isn't just doing this to humble you?"

"If someone has the time of day to create rumours to humble me, I'm just going to take it as a compliment and say they're in love with me." Kate shrugged, "They're doing me favours by getting people to talk about me, really."

There was a moment of silence between the two of them as Evie raised her eyebrows and nodded, Kate's actions slowing down while her eyebrows slowly furrowed.

"...You think I need to be humbled?" The girl paused before looking up at Evie, watching her slowly shrug and sigh, "why?"

"You can be a bit of a narcissist at times, Kate." She explained, "it's all got into your head a bit."

"What has?" She asked, putting on her shoes and doing up her shoelaces.

"The idea of fame." Evie told her, "the only time you're ever the person you were before this whole music thing is whenever you're around Corbyn."

"Are you not happy for me?" Kate frowned, looking up from her shoes while Evie titled her head and sighed.

"I am happy for you, I'm just saying-"

"You just called me a narcissist."

"Now you're not letting me talk." Evie mumbled.

"I don't need to be humbled." Kate shook her head.

"...Are you actually talking to Corbyn because you have feelings for him or is that rumour true?" Evie tilted her head with her question, watching Kate pause and stare at her in disbelief.

"You think I'm just talking to him for a hook up?" She replied.

"And for fame, yes."

"I'm the one who said to keep us a secret." Kate admitted, her hands placed on the counter in front of her, "does that answer your question?"

"Okay, are you not talking to me as much because I can't do anything to help your music career?" Evie asked her a second question, watching Kate's face fall as she shook her head.

"I still talk to you the same amount."

"You take me award shows and then you hardly speak to me." She shrugged, "same with Hazel and Sophia."

❛ RUMOUR HAS IT ❜ - 𝖼𝗆𝖻जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें