Chapter 14 Stay with us

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Spider had never seen such fury come from anyone he had met. He truly feared for his life as he backed up from the approaching Na'Vi with her teeth bared.

Jake only protested with pointless words.

Lo'ak was the only one who begged his mother to leave him alone, and that maybe they weren't understanding the whole situation.

But all those pleads fell on deaf ears.

"YOU ARE THR REASON NETEYAM IS DEAD!, YOU!" She snarled out before launching again only for Miles to push past the surrounding Crowd and to throw himself in front of them.

"NO!, It isn't his fault. He's only a kid" He attempted to stop her but she ripped herself from his grip and reached for her dagger.

"Neytiri Stop!" Jake finally intervened, but it was too late and she had made an upward Swipe right into his forearm and he fell back to grip the bleeding gash.

The clan again was in a uproar at the offensive action to one of their own.

Neytiri was to make a second slash, aiming for his throat but a Blur of Ivory and blue slammed into her and knocked her off her feet.

A low and threatening hiss left the lips of Sira as she flattened her ears and glared at Neytiri who lifted herself into a crouch.

"You will not hurt my mate, Or his child!" Sira raised herself slowly to stay infront of a wounded Miles and an appalled Spider.

"They are both demons, they will bring devastation into your clan. They have killed my son" Neytiri tried to reason with Sira. But Sira hadn't moved an inch.

"He is MY mate, and he did no such accusation that you believe. He had nothing to do with the death of your eldest" Sira had snarled out.

"Mate??? You mated with him?" Neytiri curled her lip in disgust and disbelief. Only for Miles to let out a scoff from behind Sira.

"Isn't that a bit hypocritical" he added. Hands outstretched to block Spider from her gaze. The blood that dripped from his forearm made the small Human teenager feel uneasy.

"ENOUGH!" Chief Raiku commanded and like a switch, the two parties eased out of their tense stances to look to him.

"You have come for a peace treaty and yet, your mate has attacked one of our clan members, there is no further insult you could've displayed" he rubbed his temple with irritation as Jake struggled to try and add in a calming word or give a speech but Chief Raiku had seen enough.

"Leave!" Kano demanded as the Chief turned his face away from them. Jake sighed out in dissatisfaction before turning to guide his family out.

Not even looking to see if Spider was coming.

"Spider, come on" Lo'ak Called out.

Neytiri visually casted a hateful glance to him and he shrunk. He slowly walked around Miles and Sira. But to everyone's immense surprise.

Miles had grabbed his shoulder gently. Eyes softening as he kneeled to look down at spider.

"Listen. I know you don't like me much. But please. Stay?" Miles pleaded out and Spider looked torn. He didn't Hate him. He actually admired Miles.

But if he left, what would happen to the Sully's. Kiri.

"I- I can't" his voice broke.

"Stay" The soft voice of Sira made him look up, his mouth dropping open as Sira kneeled beside Miles to gently touch his small shoulder.

"You will be welcomed here. With us. We will take care of you. I will take you as my son" she said so surely and committed.

Spider broken down, crying as he dipped his head in anguish and a little bit of happiness.

"It's your choice Spider" Jake finally had said as he looked at him. His eyes cold as he watched the teenager with expectancy.

"I ...... I choose ...... Here" Spider stood and Miles let a small smile spread as he patted Spider's back with his large hand.

Jake took a moment before turning to stomp out of the camp. Neytiri shooting a hiss at them, and it was returned by Sira who shielded Spider behind her back.

"See you man" Lo'ak said as he left to follow his parents, a happy smile on his face. He seemed to appreciate what Sira and Miles had done to make Spider feel wanted.

He wasn't stupid, he knew how his parents treated him.

He hoped Spider would be finally happy.

When they had been escorted out of the clan's Land.

Then it was a time of relax and Curiosity, the clan members had approached Spider slowly and cautiously before touching his long dreads and soft striped painted skin.

They seemed curious and excited.

Then Chief Raiku had requested to speak with him.

Miles assured him that if anything were to happen, him and Sira would come to his aid.

He climbed up the steps to the Chief's tent, a bit shaky from the chill of the thin mountain air. He entered the tent and bowed his head Respectfully to the large leader.

"It has been many eclipses since I have conversed with a human. Let alone allow one to walk among my people" The Chief was grinding a root in a small bowl before tossing it into a taller pot that hanged over the fire. it held a really good smelling stew.

"I-I apologize for any inconvenience" Spider blurted out fearfully and The Chief held his hand up.

"Relax Child. I'm not going to kill you" he let out a low rumble of a laugh.

He stirred the stew before taking a spoon and scooping some into a bowl and holding it to spider.

Spider immediately took it and thanked him before raising it to his lips. It was delicious and a satisfied hum left Spider as he felt some heat seep into his belly.

"That will help keep you from illness while you adjust to the cold" The chief explained as he served himself some and they ate in silence for a bit.

"Where were you born young one?" Chief Raiku had asked.

"Here, on pandora" Spider answered honestly.

"Hmmm. Then you are more one of us then Jake sully" The Chief nodded and looked to Spider. Spider's shoulder's slumped in relief.

"Very well. You are welcomed. As long as my daughter and her Mate trust you. You will learn our ways and traditions." The Chief grabs a shallow clay bowl and slaps his hand into it, lifting to reveal a dull purple paint, the same color as his face paint and Sira's.

Must be a family symbol.

He marks Spider's face gently before finishing and giving a nod, Spider feels pride swell as he thanked him and leaves the tent.

Miles is right near the entrance of it, pacing with a nervous swish of his tail. But when he catches sight of Spider he immediately halts and examined Spider's now marked face with a grin.

"My father has welcomed him" Sira beams from her seat on a step of the rocks near the tent. She had a relieved look.

"That's great news" Miles laughed out. Slapping him on the back a tad roughly before apologizing.

"——yeah ——— he ——-yeah, I am accepted. He said I had to learn your ways?" He looked up hesitantly to his dad who nodded.

"You'll learn alright, we'll teach you all you need to know" Miles guided him with Sira to their own tent to get spider settled in.

The large tent was warm and cozy, lined with furs and tusk of animals from hunts. A familiar scented stew sat brewing over the fire in the middle of the tent.

"I will make your bedding" Sira excused herself.

She grabbed layers of fur to make a bed on the ground near the hammock her and Miles now shared. She made sure it was all nice and cozy before she patted it and Spider smiled.

"Thank you" he replied.

"Your very welcomed" she smiled sweetly.

When the fire was dimmed. And they soon went to bed. Spider sat wrapped in the warm cozy furs. A smile on his face.

Midnight Sky (Recom Miles Quaritch x Oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon