Chapter 5 A Hunter's Celebration

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The Village had great spirits when they returned with the mighty animal. Cheers and cries leaving them as they chanted Sira and Miles names with excitement and happiness.

Happy that they were safe, and that their children were safe from the clutches of the beast.

The feast began as the clan Stripped the beast of it fur and flesh. Using the thick fur to warm them and the meat to be eaten. Like Sira had told him.

The bones were cleaned, and then used to make armor and jewelry. And to honor Miles's successful first hunt. They gifted him the giant skull to keep.

Which he was very hesitant about, He had no idea what he would do with the damn thing. But Sira told him it was a honorable trophy. Especially since he showed such compassion towards the animal.

Music was played with drums and flutes and the people danced. People sang in harmony and ate food.

Mo'at clapped Miles on the back with a smile, leading him to the food that was laid out. It looked a bit like pulled pork.

The smell was amazing, but Miles again didn't feel he was worthy to eat it. Mo'at taking note and grabbing some to offer him.

"You deserve it, you killed it. So honor him with not wasting him. It is the way" he told him before a sultry female invited Mo'at to dance with a grin, leading him away to the circle of Na'vi.

He took a bit and had to admit. It was delicious. Just like most of the food there. Na'vi knew how to cook.

So he began to eat, not noticing the eyes of the group of woman beside him, until he felt their gazes and turned to look out of instinct. They gave him flirtatious and curious looks.

And he only turned back to his food. A bit sheepishly.

He wondered where Sira was during such a celebration, she usually was always around him or Mo'at. Maybe she was speaking with her father.

Who also failed to show up.

He continued to eat and talk to sons of the other Na'vi who sat beside him to congratulate him. Some even teasing him a bit.

Mo'at voiced that the minx that stole him away earlier caught his eye, and asked if he should pursue her. Miles just told him do what ever his heart felt like.

"Do you like her?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Very much, She's funny and sweet. A perfect future mate and mother of my children" he said bluntly and Miles almost choked on the meat he was eating.

"Jesus, you just danced with the woman, don't you think it's a bit early to be considering that ... level of commitment?" He asked but Mo'at didn't see anything wrong with his words.

"Well you sky people tend to have weird mate courting rituals, But when two Na'vi show interest or affection it sets them for life. Once you Mate Miles, and perform the bond with a Female. Or male. Whichever makes you comfortable, your a mated pair for life" he informed Miles and seemed to genuinely mean his words.

"Mate for life huh?" He asked as Mo'at grabbed some food and sat beside him.

"Yes, it is the way. When you complete your training And become one of us. You will have your pick of the clans woman" Mo'at gave him a playful nudge.

"Nah. I'm good" he sniffed bluntly.

"Good on what?" Sira asked with a hum as she sat behind Miles, she seemed to be crafting something. Not really focusing on the festivities.

"Nothing Sister, Men talk" Mo'at shrugged before eyeing what she was doing behind them.

She finished the final touches before gently brushing her fingers against Miles neck, He flinched and sat up but she scoffed and grabbed his shoulder to bring him bank down.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm giving you a gift, Today was a mighty hunt. You are a strong Warrior" she said softly as she brought a necklace infront of him to wrap around his neck. The sharp tooth of the animal they fought sat against his chest.

He brought a hand up to touch it.

"You are almost ready" she placed a hand on his shoulder. Not noticing the intimacy of the gesture.

"Thank you" he said, eyes meeting her icy blue ones as she held eye contact with a smile. The fluorescent dotting on her skin making her seem ethereal almost.

She flushed and looked away, tail curling around her leg shyly as she looked to the people dancing around the fire. The songs and drums continuing.

Her hand sliding down to hold his lightly, Miles was the last to pull his gaze away.

A weird warm feeling flooding his chest at the sensation of her warm touch. The soft skin of her hand against his rough one.

They pulled apart, The moment gone as they tried to regain their composure. Sira Turning away to watch the people dance and laugh.

The night still young.

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