Chapter 11 A traitor amongst us

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"You are absolutely sure that it was one hundred percent Colonel Miles Quaritch" General Ardmore hissed out as veins strained throughout her neck.

The surviving Soldiers that were in charge of containing the Giant beasts from before dipper their heads on Shame as she reprimanded them and threatened to send them back to earth after the failure.

"Yes, look at the footage ma'am" one simpered out and she pulled up the said recording. Showing three Na'vi locals who were responsible for the rescue of their precious animals.

And sure enough, the tallest one. The leader.

Hair a bit longer and dressed in the same savage clothing and painted markings. But it most definitely was him.

And Ardmore's blood boiled.

"Back from the dead again, like a parasite" she hissed out before shoving the recording away and immediately contacting their little Na'vi spy who was with the Sully's and Metkayina clan.

So far the Recom was undetected by any of the local Na'vi. Or the family of Sullys that got real comfortable with their new clan.

"Hawke Report!" She almost growled into the little headpiece. There was silence before she heard a click on the other side.

"Yes Ma'am!" The female undercover reporter and Ardmore took a sigh of relief before waiting for any new information on the Sully family.

"Same as always general, no move to attack the soldiers thus far" she added and Ardmore chewed on her lip, a plan falling in motion in her head as she smirked.

Two birds with one stone.

It was a well known fact that the Anteriad clan and the Omaticaya were sworn enemies. If she could get her little spy to stir up some tension between the two then they would go to war and either weaken or kill each other.

And that would take care of the Sullys and Quaritch.

"I have a little project for you Hawke" she said with a sneer as she explained the plan to her little pupil.

———-/ 🌺

They all sat in silence before the Chief as he paced back and forth infront of them. His tail thrashing and his scarred ears pinned.

He was furious.

"Have you not possesed the slightest clue on how dangerous your actions were, not to mention you directly disobeyed my orders" he hissed out and Sira looked down in Shame.

Mo'at hiding his gaze.

But Miles looked directly up at him. His ears twitched and he frowned. He could understand why the Chief was so upset. But he also could understand that those animals were important to the clan and they needed to take action.

"I understand Sir. I take full responsibility for what happend. It was my idea to save them" he met the glare that zeroed in on him.

"You. I would expect this from, but my own two children" he snarled out and they dipped their heads even further. Almost touching the ground.

"Father. They are our family, we couldn't just let the demons take them and do Eywa knows what to our beautiful animals" Sira quickly stood infront of Miles with a toss of her tail. Eyes daring her father to even try and yell at her now.

But he seemed to give up.

Covering his face with impatience.

"The matter is already settled, let's just hope you didn't lead them to us" he waved them out, Turning away to hide his conflicted expression.

They left in a hush, But secretly donned smiles as they patted each other on the back. Sira practically jumping up and down as she smiled.

"Miles. You have truly made this the best day of my life" Mo'at gave a playful pat on the back as he left to join the others for breakfast.

Miles only laughed, before joining to eat with Sira.

Little did they know what was to happen in a few days.

Authors note:
(Short chapter, I know. But the finale is about to start so buckle up lovelies).

Midnight Sky (Recom Miles Quaritch x Oc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora