Chapter 2 Pardoned

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"Spider Come—- with me please?"


Sira shot up from her layers of blankets, Looking through the dark to find her Companion shivering and shaking violently. Eyes still closed but frantic under his lids.

"No——- please?" He begged.

She rushed over to him, immediately feeling his forehead. She gasped at the sheer heat that radiated off of him.

"Shhhh, shhhh" she tried to calm him before snatching the water pouch from where it hung and brought it to his lips to encourage him to drink, he shook his head away from the lip of the pouch.

He was too stressed to drink.

She remembered something her mother used to do when she got sick and had terrible dreams. She left briefly to look for a soft cloth to wet under the pouch.

Then she sat beside him to lay the cool, wet cloth onto his forehead and that seemed to work. His face relaxing and his violent shivers slowing.

"Sleep" she whispered close to his ear. Before beginning to hum quietly to him. Which made the shivers cease.

That seemed to ease him back into deep slumber.

She stayed with him a bit before Turning to ease her way back into her hammock and bury herself once again under the fur blankets.


She woke bright and early the next day to do some of her chores around the village. Feeding the Dire horses and helping some of the woman to cook and tend to their children.

The washing the garments and making sure the people were safe.

Before eating breakfast with her brother and Father, Like always. Her Father only asked how the Outsider was doing and she had spoke truthfully.

He only listened, before leaving them to eat by themselves.

Usually they ate with the clan at morning and night, but she had to inform her father about the stranger she cared for.

That and her hands were tied with him already, frequent changes for his bandages. And feeding him. Like he was a baby.

She even wiped his face and neck, to keep him cool and clean while he slept throughout the day. His stitched wounds began to heal and bruises fading.

Which was progress.

She needed to hunt again for more food, she wasn't just supporting herself anymore. She was supporting him as-well.

So she pleaded for Mo'at to make sure nobody would mess with him while he slept. Or tried anything while she wasn't there to protect him.

Mo'at promised he'd keep his eye on her Hut.
And with that she Took Keila and left to Hunt for more food.


Sira had returned with several clean, good kills.

Two Yurik Doe's and three birds, that would keep both of them well fed for the week. She lead Keila back to camp with a smile before it melted at the sound of the frantic Na'vi words that littered the air.

She dropped Keila's lead and sprinted towards the center of the village.

To her immense surprise, he was up.


Ears flattened and teeth bared at the surrounding Clan members as they whooped and cried at him threateningly. A fresh bruise was forming on the side of his cheek.

One of them hit him.

Which made anger rise from her chest.

They circled him like animals.

She pushed through them to stand in-front of him protectively, Yelling at them to leave him alone. To not worsen his already weak body as he panted from the stress.

"Leave him alone, He is pardoned by Eywa" she spat out. Eyes burning as she stood her ground against the crowd of her own people.

He seemed genuinely surprised at her protecting him.



Where the hell was Mo'at?.

"ENOUGH!" Her father's voice made everyone turn to look and become silent lower their gazes. He stood a few steps away.

His presence seeming to quiet everyone's anger down.

"You" he pointed to the outsider.

"Come" he beckoned and the outsider's ears drooped with dread, Sira following closely behind him as the clan whispered and hissed at his retreating heels.

Sira prayed she wouldn't kill her brother when she found him.

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