A Realization

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I've been bound to leave you
We've known that for a while
I'm sure it's something I can't do
If I can't leave you with a smile

I don't know how far I'll have to go
'Til I'm sure those eyes won't cry
And in my mind I've left enough to know
That I can't leave you with a bad goodbye

(Chorus: Wynonna)
Goodbye, easier said than done
Goodbye, there's no good when you're the one
Whose goodbye you swore would never come
And in my goodbye you're finding none

~Clint Black, A Bad Goodbye (Feat. Wynonna Judd)

"So these are your friends now."

Hawk suddenly felt an acute twinge of sadness at Miguel's words and Miguel's 'I'm disappointed in you' expression. But before he could think of anything to say, Miguel turned around and walked away, leaving a conflicted Hawk behind.

And just like that, Miguel was gone — gone from the Cobra Kai table, and gone from Hawk's life.

Over the next few days, it seemed Cobra Kai was out to make Hawk's life as bad as possible; first Bert was kicked out over his refusing to feed a live hamster to a snake, and then Mitch was forced to leave after losing to a newly recruited Kyler in their sparring match.

When Hawk went to the park later, he found Miguel there, but Miguel wasn't alone; Sensei Lawrence was with him. As soon as he saw Miguel was wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with an eagle showing a pair of fangs in its beak, Hawk's eyes widened, as though he'd possibly been stopped short. Miguel had chosen Sensei Lawrence's Eagle Fang (as the new dojo was called) over Kreese's Cobra Kai.

A few hours later, Hawk sat on his bed, his eyes lowered in sadness at the memory of Miguel's disappointed expression, and it made his heart bleed at how he'd lost Miguel to a dojo called Eagle Fang, of all things.

Hawk realized his seeking revenge on Miyagi-Do for what happened to Miguel during the brawl at West Valley High had sadly backfired. Because of Miguel's hearing about what he did to Demetri and his treatment of the other Miyagi-Dos, as well as Hawk's deciding to choose Cobra Kai instead of his and Miguel's friendship, Miguel showed he was now a former Cobra when he turned his back on Hawk, thus cutting him loose in the process.

I can't believe this. I try to avenge Miguel over what happened to him during the school brawl, and what happens? He makes it clear he never wanted revenge in the first place, tells me off over Demetri's broken arm (even though I secretly wanted to tell him the other Cobras were at fault because they pressured me into doing it, even though I really wanted to break something else), and then ditches Cobra Kai for Eagle Fang while turning his back on me just because I chose Cobra Kai over Miguel's and my friendship.

Tears threatening to spill out in a salty waterfall down his cheeks, Hawk then dropped his head into his hands.

First Chris says he never liked being at Cobra Kai and leaves, while followed by Abe, Frank, Nate, Little Red and half the other Cobras, and jumps ship for Miyagi-Do. Then Bert and Mitch got kicked out for different reasons (Bert over his love of animals and Mitch over not being Kreese's idea of Cobra Kai material).

Now Miguel isn't coming back to Cobra Kai.

Hawk realized all his true friends were gone, and it was just Kyler (who Hawk considered to be the biggest bully) and a bunch of other goons in their stead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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