Chozen to Hawk

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Chozen tells a shocked Hawk he knows what acting without honor feels like, and then admits he felt ashamed over how he treated Daniel 30 years ago, while also wishing he'd decided to show respect for Daniel and be Daniel's friend and ally without the honor grudge holding him back all that time. Hawk then says something along the lines of "Yeah, but, Sensei Toguchi, you challenged Sensei LaRusso to a death match, whereas I tried to beat up my best friend and Binary Brother Demetri at the mall just because I'd lost my head over a one-star Yelp review he'd posted about the Cobra Kai dojo."

Hawk then feels regret and shame as he recalls the latter, knowing he'd indirectly been the cause of Demetri's posting the Yelp review about the Cobra Kai Dojo, as he brushed Demetri off instead of swallowing his pride and listening when Demetri attempted to talk to him about Cobra Kai (while also realizing he should've stopped and read between the lines of the review instead of taking it as a personal attack of sorts).

Plus, Hawk still feels ashamed at the memory of pouring beer on Demetri's head at Moon's end-of-summer party (which resulted in Demetri outing Hawk's sleep enuresis to everyone there). Also, he still feels bad when recalling the time he destroyed Demetri's science project (made out of Legos) with his soccer ball, and then was later pressured by the other Cobras into breaking Demetri's arm during the fight in the abandoned laser tag place at Golf N' Stuff (since he knew he really wanted to break something else). 

However, Hawk knew the arm break was a lot more worse compared to destroying the science project, because it cost him his friendship with Miguel when the latter confronted him about the arm break (after he'd heard about it from Demetri), expressed disapproval about Kreese having gotten into Hawk's head and told Hawk "So these are your friends now" (meaning Kyler and the other Cobras after Kyler called for everyone to look at the dick he'd drawn on Demetri's cast) before he turned on his heel, walked out of the cafeteria while leaving a saddened Hawk behind, and was soon gone — gone from the Cobra Kai table and gone from Hawk's life.

Thank goodness I realized Sensei Lawrence and Miguel were right and Kreese's methods were wrong and unhealthy, Hawk thinks. And it's a good thing I not only decided I'd had it with how I'd become the bully I strongly disliked, but also switched sides during the LaRusso house fight back in December, saved Demetri from getting his arm re-broken, and apologized for all the bullying I put him through, while also fighting by his side against my former compatriots and taking them down; after all, besides feeling lost and unhappy without my best friend and Binary Brother, I also missed Demetri as much as he obviously did me.

And speaking of which, Hawk now feels a wave of relief washing over him when he recalls Demetri forgiving him for his past bullying. Thank goodness Demetri showed me he has a heart of gold by choosing to forgive me for what I did to him, instead of deciding to pay me back by bullying me like I did him and giving me the cold shoulder (which I probably would've viewed as karma getting me back, because I would've realized how he felt as a result). Besides, I know Demetri, and I know he'd never bear a grudge against someone or hold their past mistakes over their head, and especially if they probably deserved it.

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