Her Flattering Him

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Prompt: "I mean the girls who look below my neck," Hawk explained, "before they look up at my face

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Prompt: "I mean the girls who look below my neck," Hawk explained, "before they look up at my face."

Hawk heard a girl snicker a little, and turned to her. "Did I do something to amuse you?" he asked.

Her question was not what he had been hoping (or rather, expecting) to hear. "Why on Earth would you want to cover up those awesome legs of yours, dude?" she queried.

"So girls like you don't make comments like that!"

He regretted it as soon as he'd said it, wincing a little at the level of anger his tone had taken on, while wishing he'd decided to vote for his best raised eyebrow look or gone for the irritated smile in order to cover up his actually feeling flattered at her complimentary tone, which he secretly took a liking to deep down (although he sometimes wondered if an oxymoron like an irritated smile was real).

And speaking of which, as he well knew, the idea of a guy being flattered was certainly saying something right there. After all, he'd heard it was usually the girl being flattered by the guy. So, the way he saw it, the girl taking the initiative and causing the guy to feel flattered was an accomplishment of sorts.

Hawk then mentally pulled himself back to the matter at hand. Uh-oh. I hope she didn't get angry at me over my not-so-nice reply to her.

Luckily, when he looked at her, she'd raised an eyebrow, with no sign of anger on her visage or in her eyes, much to his relief. "Girls like me?" she then asked, and he nodded, doing his best to keep his tone as calm and even as possible this time around.

"I mean the girls who look below my neck," Hawk explained, "before they look up at my face." 

She blinked in puzzlement. Since when is it the girls looking below the guy's neck instead of the other way around? she wondered.

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