Hawk the Good-Luck Charm Part 1

106 7 3

Prompt(s): Karma, good luck, bad luck

The trio of mean girls — Regina Jackson, Mary Tanner and Annabelle 'Annie' Bardot — winced a little as they felt a hot wave of envy wash over them, only to have said envy wash away into sadness. And the reason why? 

They were watching Hawk seducing — or rather, tempting — yet another girl with his charms. They were also nearly saddened that Hawk, of all people, had the seemingly supernatural ability to command a freshman girl forthright.

Regina, Mary and Annie sighed sadly; from their perspective, it was quite unfair that Hawk had all the luck when it came to the girls. It was as though the girls liked him for some mysterious reason.

In the case of Regina, Annie and Mary, it was different, except in a not-so-nice kind of way

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In the case of Regina, Annie and Mary, it was different, except in a not-so-nice kind of way. All they had was each other for company most of the time, they had to deal with being avoided by the other students, and also had to work hard at deflecting the glares that were shot their way in an arrow-like fashion by even the popular guys.

Even Yasmine and Kyler had been warned about them through grapevine gossip a few times — thanks to the other girls and the popular guys, respectively.

For Yasmine, the Mean Bees hit too close to home. They reminded her of how she herself had been before she'd been introduced to the front wedgie thanks to Aisha at the lake on her birthday, which caused her to lose her Queen Bee status and then her friends Sam and (later) Moon, who'd grown tired of Yasmine's cruelty (until Moon repaired her friendship with her, although Moon also changed her ways and apologized to Aisha). The guilt over her previous actions toward those who weren't popular or handsome — especially Demetri — still stung afresh.

Shooting each other looks of sympathy, Annie, Mary and Regina shook their heads. This was the card that life had dealt them?

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