Hawk's Letter

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Hawk thought it over, and then a smirk crossed his face. With that, he reached over and his fingers wrapped around his pencil; he began writing his letter to her in earnest, now feeling positive energy flowing through him like water flowing through an ocean or a stream bed.

That's right, baby. Who cares about wannabe tough guys like those chumps? Now, a young lady like you is a different story, and I know it. What you need is a real man. Well, I'd be more than glad to show you what I think a real man's like, Annabelle. From now on, you are mine.

From Hawk's perspective, standing up to a bully took courage, which he admired. And if she ever cooked up said courage to do so, Hawk knew he'd tell her something along the lines of "Ah, so my dear Annie has a backbone after all. That's good; I like those girls who show they have a little fire in their souls."

And if those mean girls who thought they could get away with their bullying behavior towards Annie decided to toss her any more attitude and wit (as he liked to call it), and he heard about it from either Annie herself or the other students, there'd be a big price to pay, and they'd eventually be sure of that.

Maybe the consequences could be something like the faithless crack of a whip against the smooth of petite breasts, or the cuffing of hands to the leg of the dinner table (as he and Annie fed each other from a three course meal).

Those kinds of consequences could be arranged for those female bullies. All she had to do was say when.

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